Chapter 10 "Family"

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Sorry might not be posting soon. Personal problems at home and I haven't had time to write with school and other family things😖😣 but I will try to find time to just write this book for you guys! Hope you understand! Thanks! ❤️❤️❤️😊😚

You sat down and began thinking about the dream you had. You called Lapis to see if Peridot was okay. She was. After hearing that, you sighed in relief that the dream wasn't real. You couldn't stop thinking about it. So much that it was the only thing you thought about.

To get your mind off of things, you decided to go visit Steven and see what he's up to. When you did, you found him hanging with his dad. "Oh! Hey y/n! Dad, this is y/n! She's a half human, gem just like me!" Steven said.
"Hey, my name is Greg Universe!" He said, holding out his hand.
"Hi. My name is y/n." You replied, taking his hand and shaking it. You then gave him a pitiful smile. "Um, is something wrong y/n?" Greg asked you.
"No, it's just that my dad had a brother named Greg."
"Oh, well I also have a cousin. His name is Andy."
You looked at Greg as if he had a spider on him. "My dad did too! Wait! What is Andy's last name?" You asked.
"Demayo. Why?"
"HOLLLLYYYY!!!" You replied and began freaking out.
"Whoa! Whoa! Y/n! What's wrong?" Steven said, trying to calm you down. You then grabbed Steven's shoulders and looked at him straight in the eyes. "Steven!" You said, "I'm your cousin!" Steven immediately looked at you wide eyed. "What?!"
"Steven! My dad's name is Michael Demayo!" You replied and Greg quickly came in and asked,"Wait, Michael?" You nodded a yes. "Oh my goodness! I haven't seen him in so long! How is he?" When he said those words, your expression immediately turned from excited to depressed. "What? What's wrong y/n?" Greg asked you and you didn't answer. All you said was,"I-I'm sorry." And at that moment, he knew that his brother had passed away. Greg then sat in his van and began sobbing. "No please!" He cried. You and Steven sat down next to him. "I'm so sorry Mr.Universe." You said with tears in your eyes. He then put on a fake smile and wiped his tears. "It's okay y/n, you can call me uncle Greg." You then smiled and hugged him. "Thank you uncle Greg."
"No Problem, so do you.. want to see Andy?" You nodded a yes and Steven tagged along.

When you got to the barn, you saw Andy. You paused and took a deep breath. "Uh, Andy?" He turned around and smiled. "Oh hey! I don't believe we've officially met!" Andy said, "Hi, my name is Andy Demayo!" He held out his hand and you both shook hands. "Yeah, uh. My name is y/n and uh. My dad was Michael Demayo." You replied anxiously.
"Woah really?! Greg did you know this?!" Everybody but Andy had a sad expression.  He soon realized what had happened, and he joined you, Greg and Steven. "B-but on the bright side," you said trying to cheer him up,"At least you have another member right?" He smiled and wiped his tears.
"Yeah, I do. And your mom too?" He asked. "She uh. Her too."
"Are you serious?! That must be so hard for a child your age! Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" He then pulled you in for a hug. "Don't worry, if you need some family to talk to, I'm here." You then paused, and hugged him back. "Thank you Uncle Andy." You and Steven then left Greg and Andy to talk about their relative passing away. You and Steven arrived at the temple, only to see the gems finally getting along. You saw Amethyst eating on the counter with Pearl and Garnet talking. "Finally you guys are getting along again!" The three of them looked at you and Steven, welcome you back, and continued talking. You and Steven decided to play a video game and every game you play, you lost. "H-hey, y/n. What's wrong? You usually beat me at this game." Steven asks you.
"Nothings wrong Steven. I've just been thinking about a lot of things."
"Like what?"
You put down the controller and turned to Steven. You the took a deep breath. "I've just been thinking about things like the diamonds, if they'll come back, Garnet, my parents, my powers, and more about my's just been a lot to take in lately."

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