Chapter 17 "Forgotten"

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The Next Day

You woke up in Steven's former bed. You sat up, stretched, got yourself ready for the day, and sat down in the kitchen to eat. "Good morning y/n! How did you sleep?" Pearl asked you while making you your breakfast.
"Good. I did have this dream though. It's about this boy. I was friends with him and everything." You replied.

"That's probably why you were talking about that 'Steven' boy last night. Do you remember?" Pearl told you.

"Yeah I remember. I don't know why I was saying that. I know he's in my dreams, but he just seams so...real. I don't know." Just then, Garnet and Amethyst come out of their rooms. Garnet sat next to you and gave you a peck on the cheek. "Morning my beautiful angel!" Garnet told you and you blushed. "Morning Garnet!"

When you finished eating your cereal, you decided to play video games, so you placed your bowl in the sink, and ran up to your room. You sat down and turned on the tv.

Half way through playing, you felt there was supposed to be something next to you. You felt like you were forgetting something. You then decided to ignore it, and pulled out your phone. As you scrolled through your camera roll, you looked at all of your photos. In one of them, where you all decided to take a group selfie, you saw yourself, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and an empty space. You then switch to where you can scroll through all of your pictures and in almost all of them, there was an empty space. You felt like someone was supposed to be there.

After a little while of more video games, you walked downstairs and began talking to the gems. "So you guys no nothing about a boy with a red shirt and curly hair?" You asked.
"No." They all replied in unison. "Why do you keep bringing that up y/n? You said it was just a dream." Pearl reminded you.

"Yes I know, it just's more than a dream. Ya know?"

They all look at you in confused ways. "Y/n, I think you're just imagining this boy and you're going through a phase where you think all of your dreams are real." Garnet told you. You paused and sighed. "Alright," You said, "I guess he isn't real. Maybe it's just a phase. Right?" You asked and all three of the gems nodded.

"Okay then. Well now I need to see what I'm going to wear tomorrow." You said.

"For what?" Garnet asked.

"For school of course! Tomorrow is the first day of school after winter break!" You replied as you opened the closet door under the stairs. You looked at your pile of shirts. There was an empty space next to it. It felt kind of weird for you to leave that there, so you grabbed half of your pile, and put it in the empty space. Wohen you got your clothes and closed the door, you saw a picture on the wall. It was a picture of you, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all hanging out at the beach...and an empty space next to you. It felt a little weird to you, but you decided to brush it off and go change in the bathroom. While you were changing, you saw you tooth brush. There was only one, but you felt like there was supposed to be two. You then ignored it and walked out. "How do I look?" You asked.

(Your school outfit^^^)

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(Your school outfit^^^)

"You look amazing!" Garnet replied.

"Yes, you look very beautiful!" Said Pearl.

"SLAAAAAAYYYYY!" Amethyst told you playfully.

You blushed a bright pink, thanked them, and went back in to change out of it. You then hung up your clothes, and stepped outside once more. "Amethyst, wanna come with me to the fry shop? I'm gonna get some bits." You asked her and she nodded.

When you got to the shop, you saw PeeDee. "Sup PeeDee! Get me the bits!"

"Haha! Alright y/n!" PeeDee replied.

While waiting, you began softly banging on the counter chanting, "The bits! The bits! The bits!" After getting the bag, you paid him. You were about to leave until PeeDee stopped you. "Hey, isn't there supposed to be someone else with you wanting the bits?" He asked.

"" You replied.

"Hmm...okay then. Have a nice day!"

You both waved good bye until you couldn't see each other any more.

Amethyst's POV

I was walking with Y/n. She then accidentally kicked some sand onto my foot. "Hey!" I said laughingly.

"Oh! Sorry Amethyst!" She replied and giggled.

We both laughed as I kicked sand back and soon, it turned into a sand fight. We were messing around the beach, laughing and having a great time. But then I saw something. My stomach dropped when I saw another version of me, starring at me, transparent, tinted purple...

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