Chapter 35 "Breaking News"

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F/n = Fusion name

F/n's POV

I open my eyes and look down. I see y/n's gem and Garnet's gems. Y/n then starts talking inside me. "W-what? What i-is this?" She says and half of me starts freaking out. Garnet then calms her down. "Wait! Wait! Calm down! This is good!"Garnet says happily.

Somehow, y/n calms down which makes me calm down and I look around. I look at myself, and we stand up. We start looking at ourselves and I smile. "This feels...nice."

"I know. Don't you like it?" I start talking to myself, until I realize that people are staring at us. I quickly stop and we explore the town as one. I even found places that I've never been before separate, nor together. Once I'm alone and walking on the beach, I start talking to myself again.
"How do you feel y/n?"
"I feel...amazing. Is this what you feel every day?"
"Yes. When Ruby is with Sapphire...When Sapphire is with Ruby...When with you."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
After talking, I just stand there hugging my self as the wind of the ocean blows through my hair. After a little while, I then decide to walk back into town. As I am walking, I see some sort of four legged animal.

I jump up in fear and scream as it just stands there

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I jump up in fear and scream as it just stands there. "OH MY IRENE! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" I yell as y/n's side of me talks. I then begin talking to myself again.
"Wait y/n, have you never seen a puppy before?"
"Well no. I've heard of one but my dad never allowed it, and neither did my orphanage! Is THAT a puppy?! How do you people live with that?! It's so scary looking!"
"Y/n, calm down. It's a puppy. It won't hurt you."
I then get closer to it and kneel down. It is still looking at me with its head tilted.
"Pet it." I say to myself. I then close my eyes and slowly touch my hand to its head. When I touched it, I didn't feel anything happen, so I opened one eye, and then another. I then started petting the puppy and scratching behind its ears. It seemed like it liked me. "Awe! It is kinda cute actually! Can I keep it?"
"No, it probably has a family that wants it to come home."
"Awww! Okay." I say and I let it run off.

I continue to walk around beach city and other cities around it. I then hear a boy call from behind me. "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!"

I turn around and notice that he is waving around some news paper. I decide to take some and read what all of the fuss is about. The paper reads, "Breaking News; Local middle schooler causes the death of a fellow middle schooler by the name of Paris Daring. Police are giving as much money as the family needs to spend for the funeral and burying."

As I read the newspaper, I feel myself drop the paper and split into two.

Garnet's POV

Y/n and I defuse, and I watch as y/n runs off, leaving behind tears. "Y/n! Wait!" I call, but she ignores me.

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