Chapter 59 "Escape"

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Hey guys so we are nearing the end of the book. I have lost interest in it, but that is not the reason why I'm ending it. I've lost motivation in it and I don't think you guys will be happy if I just stretch it out to much. I think I stretched it out too much already. Just because it's near the end of this book, doesn't mean I won't make more books. I'm working on so many other books. Some Steven Universe, some other shows, and some in real life. I love you guys! ❤️

"Ugh! Where could they be?! Garnet said Mask something! Ergh! Mask, mask, mask...Halloween mask? No, they can't be in a huge freakin Halloween mask! That's stupid! Or it that what Amber wants me to think? Nah, she knows I'm not that smart...hmm...I remember Garnet and I going to an island called Mask something. An island called Mask something..." you brain farted so much, you could even smell it.

"Oh! Duh! Mask Island! Oh my gosh, why am I like this?!" You say to yourself and face palm. You then start packing for the mission. You pack some rope, a couple weapons, food, water, and just in case you fail, you pack the Mask Island blanket that Steven and the gems all made for you and Garnet as an anniversary gift. You then put it in, and warp to Mask Island.

   Your POV

   When I get to the Island, every thing seems quiet. I look around and just become clueless at where I'm supposed to start. It looks just like a regular old, damaged island with baby blue shards coming out. I touch them and they feel smooth. I continue to look around until I notice something on the side of the rocky, rigid wall. It was a bright red shard sticking out. As if it was a lever...

"Dang, that's a weird place for a shard to be." I think to myself and keep walking. Then, after a couple seconds, a small spark of sense emitted in my head. Then I thought, "maybe it is a lever 🤔"

   I walk back to the shard and pull it down. It jerks down slightly and turns out, it actually is a lever! Who would've guessed! A trap door then opens up and I look down and see nothing but blackness. I step back and think, "How am I going to get down there?"

   Then it hit me! I put down my backpack, take out the rope, tie it to a tree and tie myself to it too. Then I grip the rope, take a deep breath, and start slowly lowering myself into the deep abyss. Not even two minutes down and I remember that I forgot my backpack at the top. I grunt and then go back to get it. Then I come back and continue to go down.

(Like this, but going down into the cave^^^)

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(Like this, but going down into the cave^^^)

   I finally get to the bottom of the cave and ironically, the end of my rope. I try and look around, but it's so dark that I can't see anything. I then remember that I have a lighter in my pocket for when Scarlett, Jake, Dax, and I were going to start a small fire and burn things (Robin was too much of a chicken). I quickly lit it, made a tiny fire, picked up a stick of wood, and made a small torch. I looked around myself, and found myself walking down a dark cave. I'm not as scared as I used to be, because I've been on these kinds of missions with Garnet before, although I am slightly uncomfortable. Oh Garnet, I miss her so much. As I continue to walk down the dark cave with my back pack, I start thinking the worst. About how Amber has her and my family. How if I lose them, it's all my fault. It's my fault they're in this mess in the first place. I then remind myself that I'm being timed and start running a little fast. After a little while, I see a small blue-ish light at the end of the tunnel with a turn. As I get closer to the turn, I burn out the torch and carefully peek around the side of the corner. I see a large room with Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven in a cage in the middle of the bright room. Then I see loads of green people working at desks and electronics and such. They all look like...Steven? Er...watermelons? Watermelon Steven's? Why did nobody tell me about this?! Ugh, well if they look like Steven, then he must have made them and they should listen to him, but obviously they're not. I look around and try to find a way to get in without them seeing me. Then I remember, I'm surrounded by rocks!

I pick one up and hit one of the screens to distract them. One of them gets mad at the other, then they start arguing, and a small fight breaks out. Perfect! Now I run in and up to the lock with a dagger and break it. "Y/n!" Steven says happily, but I then shush him so that he doesn't cause them to look over here. We all start to run out another way but before we can all get out completely, Steven falls and some of the watermelons see him. I pick Steven up and throw a net to the watermelons. They get caught in the net and we all run down a large, curved, metal hall. A large siren is then heard and the place starts blinking red. "Uh y/n, why is there a siren?" Steven asks.

"Oh! I don't know, Steven! Maybe because I broke you guys out of prison?!" I sarcastically yell back.

We continue to run until we get to the door. We sprint toward the door until some watermelon guards block us. We decide to turn back, but watermelon guards block us from the other side too. "We're trapped!" Pearl says.

I look around, trying to find somewhere we can escape. I then see a door to our left. I take everyone's hands (somehow), run into the room, and shut the door.

When we get in, I lean on the steel door and catch my breath. "Finally," I say with a pant, thinking it's over. Then, another cage closes around Steven and the gems and a light shines upon a girl with her back turned. I spring up as I hear a slow clap, and a familiar laugh. "Haha, great job y/n," she says.

"Amber..." I say with a furious face as she turns around to look at me.

"I'm not impressed that you barely got past my watermelon guards because, well, they're watermelon! I'm impressed that you BARELY got past them!" Amber says with a chuckle.

"Let my family go NOW!" I yell, pointing at them.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, darling."

"Let them go, or I'll...I'll..."

"Haha! You'll what?" Amber asks with a smirk.

"I'll..." I pause.


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