Chapter 55 "The Tower"

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Question of the day: What are your top 3 favorite shows? Mine are Steven Universe, SVTFOE, and Gravity Falls

You nod at Garnet and her and Pearl begin making a plan for the tower. You locate the gem, which is under the tower. It doesn't look so far away, so you stick your arm under, and try to get it. You get closer and closer to the gem, to the point where you can barely touch it. You start feeling the vacuum of the tower start sucking you up, so you take out your hand and try again. This time, you get really close to the gem and can just about hold it. "Y/n?!" Garnet says from behind you, finally noticing the dangerous stunt you're attempting. You get startled and slip on the dirt from under your shoe. You then fell, hit your face on the ground, and immediately get sucked into the tower, lifting oh up into the air. Before Garnet could catch you, you leave and quickly fly up.

    Looking down at the ground that is getting smaller and smaller by the second, you start getting anxiety. You begin breathing heavily and freaking out.

   Garnet's POV

I try to grab onto y/n's shirt, but I was too slow. I start freaking out at the thought of her passing out from adrenaline, lack of oxygen, or worse. I soon stop panicking and realize what I have to do. I hate it so much. I really do, but the only way to get y/n back is to fuse with Pearl, have Sardonyx break down the tower and take the gem before y/n runs out of oxygen.

   I turn to Pearl who is also freaking out, and I grab her by the shoulders so she can look at me. "Pearl, you may not like this, and I don't like it either, but the only way to get y/n back, is to fuse into Sardonyx."


"Let's fuse!!"

Second Person POV

Sardonyx appears without a smile on her face at all. She summoned her hammer and without hesitation, she began smashing the tower into big chunks. Huge pieces of the tower began flying everywhere and crashing into the sand. With every hit, came a grunt and a growl.

After flying for a while, you suddenly stop. Instead of flying up and down, you begin to go up and down and up again. You started getting dizzy and sick, to the point where you almost throw up. Thankfully, you keep it down and you don't throw up. You look down, only to see the ground getting closer, and Sardonyx's hammer smashing through the tower every now and then. Sardonyx then reaches her hands inside the tower. One is to grab you, and the other is to pull out the gem. She covers you up while pulling out the gem and as the tower poofs, tons of rocks and powder of the tower begin falling from the sky. She takes you out of there, bubbles the gem, and opens her hand so you can come out. "Woah! Thanks Sardonyx!"

   "*sigh* anytime love..." she replies with a fake smile. You could tell that was Garnet talking, due to the voice and accent that was coming out. You blush and say, "Sardonyx, you're amazing! I knew I could count on Garnet and Pearl to save me."

   "Haha! I love you y/n," Sardonyx says. You could tell it was both Garnet and Pearl who said it separately and immediately after realizing what she had just, Sardonyx put you down and unfused. "Are you serious?!" Garnet yelled.

   "Garnet wait! I didn't mean-" Pearl says as Garnet takes your hand and leads you to the warp pad. "Stay away from me and my baby!" Garnet spat as she takes you and warps away, leaving Pearl all alone.

Hey sorry for the short chapter. Working on other stuff with school and home. Been having so much writers block, which leads me to not being able to write chapters. But don't worry! I'll try to get another one done during the weekend! ❤️😊

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