Chapter 47 "Progress"

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"Your mom was the last gem to be made on earth before the kindergarten shut down for good. Rose and g/n were really good friends, until she started doing bad things with bad humans. It became worse and worse when she met...your father. The only person that could stop them was Rose, and she did. She poofed and bubbled your mother. You father then somehow, snuck in, unbundled your mother, and then they made you. Rose was afraid that you would turn out just as bad as them, so they made an agreement, and went their separate ways." Garnet then explains how horrible your mother was, and all of the deaths she had caused.

"Why would you say that about my mom?!" You yelled in defense.


"She's my mother! I can't just let you talk about her like that! And I am just like her! I AM just like my mom! Because that accident, was no accident! It was on fucking purpose!"

"Y-y/n, it was-" Garnet tried to speak, but you continued to talk.

"And you know what?! I DONT feel bad about killing Paris! She deserved it! Her and her entire fucking family deserves to burn in hell!!! Maybe that's why I have all these powers! Because I was made to be bad and maybe bad is good! Maybe that's why I have fire, ice, healing, my g/w, super hearing, and acid spit?! Maybe because I'm bad!! I'm not a Crystal Gem, and I never will be! Even if I tried!" You shout at the top of your lungs. Garnet just stands there, completely shocked at what you just said. You stare at her with silence and you immediately regret saying any of it. Tear began to form in your eyes, and you soon burst into tears. You then run to the warp pad, and Garnet follows you. She warps to the battle arena and sees you sitting on the steps, with you arms crossed, and tears still falling down your face. She walks up, and sits down next to you and you don't move a muscle. "I'm sorry Garnet. I shouldn't have said all those things. When Amber, Paris, and those girls were bullying me, I felt enraged. I felt like they deserved no mercy, like they were completely evil. Ugh. Maybe I'm the one who's evil." Tears start filling your eyes even more as you stare at your hands and flashes of blood keep appearing every now and then.

   "No y/n, you're not evil! You're good. I guarantee it. Now I know you may have done things that you may regret, but to overcome it, it takes time. It takes time to heal and move away from the past. And I'm here to help you. And I'm sorry for talking about your mother like that. I understand she is your mother and you only wanted to defend her." Garnet said and gave you a big hug. You hugged back and felt her adjust her body temperature so that she gives off a warm, soothing heat.

   You both part and Garnet looks you square in the eyes. "I love you." She says.

   "I love you too." You reply and you both share a passionate kiss.

    The kiss slowly gets more rapid and lustful. Garnet pushes you down onto the step and gives you many ferocious kisses. You loved the dominance, but decide to try and claim it as your own. You start moving your lips at a faster pace and start pushing forward to flip you two around. You eventually succeeded and now you were on top, being the dominant...partner? Lover? You then trailed down with the kisses and tried to find Garnet's sweet spot. It took you a few tries, but once you heard the sweet sounding moans of your lover's voice, you knew you had found the spot. You began attacking that spot by biting, kissing, and licking it multiple times. "Ah! Y/n!" Her British accent only made you want to attack the spot even more.

   After a little while, you finally decided to stop and head back to the temple while holding hands with your one and only. When you got there, you saw Steven was awake, and you quickly ran to him. "Steven!" You yelled while running up the stairs. You almost trip and fall, but you make it. You sit on his bed while panting softly. "Are you okay?" You ask with your undivided attention.

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