Chapter 48 "Playful Love"

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Your POV

I feel tears fall down my cheeks as I feel I've start to grow around me. Sapphire then come in, and hugs me. I feel the ice melt away and she feels...warm. We part and she looks at me while I look at he bangs. "How did you do that?" I ask.

"Just use your imagination, and you can have any feeling you want." She smiles and softly wipe my tears of my cheek. We both lean in for a kiss, but then I stop. "Wait, is kissing you, cheating on Garnet? Or not?" I say, very confused at the topic.

"No, it's just like kissing a part of Garnet." She smiles and we kiss. It lasts for a couple seconds, and we part. I then get myself together and try and practice my ice powers again. I try again and again to be sad, but all that comes out is ice cubes. "Try and imagine things that mad you depressed." Sapphire says and I close my eyes.

I take a deep breath and try to concentrate. I open my hands and I try to form a ball. I feel a snow ball starting to form and I open my eyes. "Look Sapphire! I did it!" I say happily, but then the ball vanishes.

"What? What happened?" I ask very confused.

"You became happy. You need to try and find out how to become sad and stay sad, while looking happy." Sapphire replies to me. I nod and I try it again, and again, and again.

~~~Time Skip A Few Hours~~~

I open my hands, and quickly summon a snow ball. I smile while still keeping the ball intact and then shoot it out into the ocean. I then take one step and shoot multiple snowballs out of my hands and I start doing cool moves. After a little while of playing around, I finally calm down and look at Sapphire. "Great job y/n, you've done well. You're a real quick learner."

"Thanks Sapphy!" I say and try to boop her nose, but realize that she doesn't have one. "Uh Sapphire? Why don't you have a nose?" I ask and she smiles.

"Sapphire? Sapphy!" I say and she just continues to smile. That mysterious little rascal. We both walk home and wait til' sun down.

~~~Time Skip To Night~~~

"So y/n, are you ready to learn how to use fire?" Ruby says while standing in front of me and flickering a bit of fire in front of my eyes. I sit down on the sand with the ocean behind Ruby, and she starts explaining the pros and cons about fire. We start practicing and think of the things that get me mad. I get it down the first time I try, and Ruby smiles. "Good job," She says, "But try to be even more mad and bring out even more fire."

   I take a deep breath, and then let a wave of fire out of me. "Woah! This is way easier than ice!" I say, "It's harder to be sad then to be mad!" I laugh.

   I can tell that Ruby is giving a fake smile, and I decide to keep messing with her. "I mean, yeah! No wonder you get mad so easily. I can master this power in under a week, but I think it'll take me about a month to master the ice." I see Ruby try not to get mad. It's so funny how hard she's trying. "Oh yeah?" She says through her cute, tightly clenched teeth.

   "Yeah!" I reply, almost laughing, "Sapphire even said it herself, 'fire powers are easier to master than ice powers'! It's pretty ironic really, because someone like you hasn't even learned how to control it yet, even though you're like, what? Six thousand years?" I then see Ruby let off a huge splash of fire around and I threw myself back, so that I wouldn't burn. The bottom part of my pants caught on fire, so I threw some sand on it and started patting on it so it would go out. I then stood up and walked to Ruby. And although she was really hot, I hugged her and she hugged me back. "You know I was kidding right?" I say with a smile.

"Ugh. I hate you." Ruby says and I peck her on the cheek. We then continue the lesson, and then I go to sleep on Steven's bed.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Scarlett invites me over to her house, and I feel weird about it. I ask her if her mom is okay with it, and she said that her and her mom talked it out, and now she accepts Scarlett and said sorry and everything! It made me happy that her and her mom made up, but it angers me that they fought in the first place. I went over and I when her mom greeted me, I said hi and then looked down in nervousness. For some reason, when I make eye contact with someone for a long time, it feels weird and uncomfortable. I walk into her room and see she's waiting for me. "Wassup Scarlett!"

   "Hey y/n!" She says and gets up, but I fall on the bed and bring her down with me. We a laugh as we both it the bed and then look at each other. I accidentally stare at her and she seems to have done the same. We then snap each other back to reality and we both blush a little. "Heh, I guess we can't resist each other," I say nervously. Scarlett then looks at me, raises her eyebrows, and blushes s little more. "Oh! Now I see! Scarlett has a crush on me! It all comes together now! Haha! I wanna flirt with her, mess with her, and see how she reacts," I thought to myself and give a smile. We both sit up and lay next to each other on the bed, and I purposely put my arm around her. I notice her blush even more than she already is, and I can't help but smirk. We start talking about our self consciousness and  I find the perfect time to flirt with her. "You have no reason to think you're ugly, cuz you're not. I find you really beautiful and quite irresistible," I say and lay my head in between her head and shoulder. She then turns around so that my head is in the crook of her neck, and we're both hugging each other. She then wraps one of her legs around me, and we both fall asleep.

~~~Time Skip~~~

   I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing and check it. It stops and I realize that I have FIFTEEN MISSED CALLS FROM GARNET?! I quickly look out the window, and realize it's night. I check my phone again and see that it's THREE IN THE MORNING?! "Is something wrong?!" Scarlett asks me.

   "Yeah, I need to leave. Sorry! Bye!" I hug her, grab my back pack, steal a cookie, and burst out the door. While running home and the cookie in my mouth, I start thinking about how mad and worried Garnet must be. The town looks so spooky at night.

   When I get there, I walk up the stairs and hesitate to open the door. I really slowly turn the knob and carefully creak it open. I then creep in while trying not to make any sounds. I close the door and put my backpack down, wait if anyone heard me come in, then sigh in relief, thinking that I'm in the clear.

Then the lights turn on and I almost jump out of my skin when I see Garnet sitting on the couch without her visors, looking angry. "Where were you?!" She yelled in her whisper, trying not to wake Steven up.

"I was at Scarlett's house, but then I fell asleep! I'm so sorry!" I reply and run to hug her. I don't feel her hug back, so I decide to say, "I love you!"

I then hear her sigh and say, "I love you too," and she hugs me back, "just don't do that again." She pecks me on the forehead. "I was really worried."

   "Okay, I promise. I won't do it again." I say, then I put my hands up, signaling for her to pick me up. Garnet picks me up and I rest my head on her shoulder while I hug her. She then kisses me on the sweet spot of my neck and I accidentally moan. "Wow, you're really sensitive there, huh." She whispers in my ear. I nod my head yes without picking my head up from her shoulder or opening my eyes. She then takes me to her room and puts me on the bed where I never sleep and starts playing with the sweet spot on my neck. I decide to try and hold in the moans because they're so embarrassing, but end up finally hovering up and let out a couple. After a little while, we cuddle up next to each other, and fall asleep.

Question of the day: What's your sexuality? Mine is straight, but I'm curious what my readers are?

Also, I've been noticing a drop in comments lately. I don't know if it's the quality in the writing, or the scenes where it's like half lemon with the Garnet and the reader or what. Plz tell me, I really don't know the reason. 😅

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