Chapter 34 "Released"

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"Where did you get this?!" Asks the guard while picking up your g/w. You froze and couldn't think of anyway to get out of the situation. He then pushed you back into your cell and you fell onto the ground. You watched as he closed the door and you felt yourself crumble when he said, "You aren't coming out for a long time."

Tears began filling your eyes as you quickly stood up, ran to the door, and began pounding on it while yelling. "Wait! Wait! It was an accident! I-I can summon weapons! I-I have super p-powers! Just...just please...let me...out." You say while slumping to the ground and burying your face and hands into your knees.

As the officers walk outside, Garnet says,"Where's y/n?"

"She will not be coming out of prison anytime soon, because she has broken the prison rules once again." Replies the frustrated officer.

"How could she possibly have done this time?!"

"She had this in her cell which I don't know how she got it. It's going to take five hundred more dollars to get her out now." The cop says while holding up your g/w. Garnet immediately recognizes it, and gets worked up. "But it's not her fault! She can summon that thing! It's a part of her! She didn't make it or anything, she had it in her gem!"

"Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"Yes! Look, I can do it too!" Garnet replies, summoning her gauntlets. The officer then looks at it and calls you up. You walk out and when you saw Garnet, you felt yourself almost on the rim of letting out tears. You gave a fake smile to stop the tears and the officer began speaking. "Alright!" He said in a stern voice. "If you can summon this exact weapon," the guard then holds up the g/w, "then you are free to go and won't get charged more for the bail, got it?"

You nod and close your eyes. All eyes are on you and you feel the pressure building on top of you like a stack of bricks on you me shoulders. The room became silent as your gem began to glow, but then soon fade. You start running out of breath and the guard begins to get frustrated. You close your eyes and start thinking about things that make you happy. "Donuts, video games with Steven, hanging with Amethyst, training with Pearl, making messes," you think to yourself. You then clench you fist and close your eyes tighter, "Garnet." Just then, you g/w flies out of your gem and you catch it, showing it with the guard. You then give him a straight face and say, "May I please go now?"

The officer looked at you with fear and surprise. "Uh, y-yes ma'am! Just go into the b-bathroom, and t-take you things and you can go."

Y/n's POV

I smirk at the sight of the officer trembling in front of me. For some reason, his fear makes me feel powerful. I then go to the bathroom, change out of my clothes, give the officer my old uniform, and we leave. As we are walking, I can't get the smile off my face. Apparently, Gar eat notices because she says, "And what are you so happy about?"

"N-nothing. Just the fact that I have the greatest girlfriend ever!" I say and hug her. She picks me up and we start laughing, and messing around. Garnet then starts kissing me all over and we start twirling. I then notice that our gems start to glow and I close my eyes. I then open them again and realize that I have both mine and Garnets gems...

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