Chapter 37 "Easy Search"

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Garnet's POV

I feel myself come back into existence and I look around. While Peridot and Lapis are helping Steven clean the mess that I made, I start explaining the plan and everyone starts listening. "Okay, so here's the plan. We all spread out, looking for y/n. We look all around Beach City. If you find her, then flash your gem on and off like this." I then start flashing my gems as an example. "Steven, since you don't know how to flash your gem, you just jump in the sky and scream as loud as you lungs can take. And Amethyst, you jump in the air and do your purple fire spin dash. We don't go home until we either find y/n, or it gets dark. Got it?" I say and everyone nods. "Peridot, Lapis, you don't have to clean the house right now. We'll do it later. Now go! Go! Go! Go!" I open the door and everyone rushes out. After getting off the beach, everybody separates into different directions.

~Time Skip~~

Garnet's POV

I've been walking around Beach City for three hours and I still haven't seen any sign of y/n. I constantly check my future vision and still nothing picks up. I start to get frustrated and almost split but thankfully, Ruby and Sapphire get it together and stay fused. I take a deep breath, calm myself down, and continue to walk while still checking my future vision. Finally, I see a possibility that y/n is on top of the hill with the lighthouse. I then immediately run and hop to the hill.

  When I get there, I look around the lighthouse and see y/n sitting down, looking at the view of the ocean. "Y/n?" I say in a soft voice, trying not to startle her. She turns around, giving me an upset, but pitiful expression. I walk over and sit down next to her. She puts her head on my shoulder and I can hear her start to cry, so I embrace her in a hug and she hugs back. After we part, I start flashing my gem, releasing light into the air. "W-why are you flashing your gem?" Y/n asks and might I say, it's really nice hearing her voice again after all this time. "Oh, since you were gone for so long, we were getting worried so I gathered up all of the gems and Steven to help look for you." I say and she just watches as I flash the red light into the sky.

"So you only flash a red light?"

"No, I can flash blue lights with Sapphires gem." I say and I turn it on. She watches as I start alternating and quietly humming Stronger Than You along with the lights. I hear y/n giggle and I look at her. As she watches the lights, I see her smile which makes me do the same.

After a couple minutes, I stop flashing the lights and we just look at the sunset. "I'm sorry for brining this up, but were you gone for so long?" I ask and y/n lowers her head. "It's just...I thought...I was good." She says.

"What do you mean? You are good." I reply.

"No, I'm not! I killed someone! I..." Y/n paused, "...I-I'm not a Crystal Gem." When I heard those words, it broke my heart. It hurt me to hear my baby and see her hating herself. I look at her and I notice she is crying. I quickly embrace her in a hug and rub her back. I then kiss her forehead and she lifted her head. "No y/n! You are a Crystal Gem-" I began but was interrupted.

"No I'm not! I don't deserve to be one!" She says and continues crying. I then decide to pick y/n up and take her home. While she's in my hands, she suddenly falls asleep.

When we get to the house, everybody surrounds us. "Oh Garnet! I-" Pearl starts, but I quickly shush her and signal that y/n is sleeping. I then set her down and tuck her into Steven's bed. "Steven, y/n is going to sleep in your bed tonight, so you are going to sleep on the couch. Ok?" I whisper over to him and he seems to understand.

Y/n's POV

I pretend to fall asleep and Garnet carries me to the temple and into bed. I then overhear them talking about me. "She needs sleep. Don't talk to her when she wakes up unless she talks to you, or she seems happy. She's really hurting over something and I don't want any of you to make it any worse. Got it?" I hear Garnet say. It makes me feel like she's ashamed of what I did and is embarrassed of me. As I think about it more and more I tear up, and cry myself to sleep.

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