Chapter 57 "Tournament"

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Question of the day: Would you rather hang out with Ruby or Sapphire? And why?

Second Person POV

Garnet decided to lay in your bed that you never sleep in, and text you.

Garnet: Hey babe, how's it goin? ❤️

You: Nothin just playing a game with Steven and I just died 💀😂

Garnet: Oh, hahaha. Sorry

You: It's cool, I beat him at so many more other games, so it's fair.

Garnet: lol that's my girl!

You smile at the text, until you remember your skating tournament today. You check the time and it's 11:30am and it starts at 12. If you get there after 12, then you're disqualified. The moment you remember that you also have to fix your skateboard, you start panicking and hyperventilating. You quickly call Garnet instead of texting her, and start running home while in the phone.

You: Garnet! I just remembered that I have a skating tournament today at twelve! Can you please find my board my helmet?

Garnet: What?! Since when did you have a skating tournament?!

You: Okay, look. I'm sorry, I went behind your back about the skate boarding. I know you told me not to skate anymore, but I've been practicing with Robin, Jake, Dax, and Scarlett behind your back. I'm so sorry! I love you! Please don't be mad!

Garnet: *inhale*...

You: Please...?

Garnet: ...*sigh*...okay, but you're in big trouble and you're doing the laundry tonight!

You: Okay just please find my board! Love you! Bye!

When you get to the temple you are met with Garnet, who has your broken board and your helmet. "Thank you so much babe!" You take your helmet and put it on while running over to the couch and set down your broken board. After a couple minutes of tightening and fixing it, you take a look at the time on your phone and it reads 11:45. You then get a knock on the door while you're getting ready to leave. "Who's there," you call and the door slams open. The person at the door immediately says, "THE DOOR!" (Some will know the reference)

You jump and stare at the person confused. Turns out, it's Dax, Jake, and Robin. You're not surprised at Dax's randomness, since he does it all the time. "Y/n! What are you doing here?! We need to get to the skate park right now!" Jake says as you get up, kiss Garnet good bye, and run out the door. As you're running with Jake, Dax, and Robin, you remember that Scarlett is going to be with you too. "Wait, where's Scarlett?"

"She's already at the skate park! You need to be there too if you want to make it!" Robin says, making everyone else run faster.

You just barely get there at 11:59 and immediately see Scarlett waiting for you. "Y/n! Where have you been?" She says while giving you a hug. "Sorry Scarlett, I lost track of time and completely forgot. But hey! I still made it right?" You said, ending in a smile.

"Yeah, I guess," she replies and gives you a soft punch in the arm. You get ready to skate and after a while of watching other people skate, it's now your turn. Before you start, you feel all the pressure on you. You feel everybody's eyes on you, judging you. If Garnet were there, it would make you feel so much better. Just then, you see Garnet move through a crowd, and come to support you. Although you made her mad and disobeyed her, she still came and supported you. It gives you happiness and hope. Finally, you start to skate. You go down as you feel everybody's suspense and pressure building up on you. You start breathing heavily, but then quickly remind yourself to shake your head, clear your mind, and focus on skating. Doing one air trick, you go back down with a kick flip and land it flawlessly. You hear the crowd cheer and you start to feel happy. When you start to do your second air jump, you start to see Paris. Although you've never stopped seeing her since the 'accident' and you've gotten used to it by now, you still find it unsettling. This distracts you and you slightly mess up on the trick, but react quickly and still land it. You know people cheer not for the trick, but the fact that you literally slid off your board, but caught it and put it under your feet again. You started trying hard to concentrate hard on the skating and not Paris.  You head for the other side of the ramp, and do a double kick flip at the edge. You then start to go down, so you decide to do a 360 degree spin of your board and land clean on the board. For your last trick, you decide to grab your board, do a backflip, and then land right on your feet. Happiness and pride continue to fill you to the brim when you hear the sounds of cheering people's voices, specifically Garnet's. You knew she wouldn't be happy and she knew it wasn't safe to skate, but you did it anyways and she still supported you.

You had won the skate tournament. With the trophy in one hand, and a medal in another, you stood on the pedestal and held up your trophy to show if to every one. You looked straight into Garnet's visors and mouthed, "I love you!"

She did the same as everyone cheered and clapped.

Hey guys so we are nearing the end of the book. I have lost interest in it, but that is not the reason why I'm ending it. I've lost motivation in it and I don't think you guys will be happy if I just stretch it out to much. I think I stretched it out too much already. Just because it's near the end of this book, doesn't mean I won't make more books. I'm working on so many other books. Some Steven Universe, some other shows, and some in real life. I love you guys! Bye! ❤️

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