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     "Sven, you and Spitelout check our defenses. Bucket, you and Mulch take the kids and women who can't fight to the cove, they'll be safe there. Fishlegs, Snotlout, twins will be on the front. Mom, you're with us. And everyone! NO heriocs!" Hiccup ordered.
     Vikings disperse. Hiccup started walking after them. Astrid stopped him. Hiccup looked at her.
"Astrid go with the women and children, help protect them," Hiccup ordered.
"No way! I'm not going with them!" Astrid retorted. "Where do I stand?"
"Astrid, it's to dangerous," Hiccup reprimanded. "Go with Bucket and Mulch."
     "No! Hiccup, you need me, admit it. So, where do I stand?" She asked more forcefully.
     "Astrid," Hiccup warned. Finally, after five minutes of glaring at each other Hiccup conceded. "Alright, Astrid, you're with me."
     Astrid narrowed her eyes and raced after Hiccup. Hiccup jumped on Toothless and flew to the lore defenses. Astrid jumped on Stormfly and followed.

Astrid and Hiccup sped past the defenses, the people nodding at their chief. Hiccup and Astrid surveyed the battle scene for a moment before nodding at each other. In sync, they flew up, above the cloud covers. Suddenly they dove, striking at all the ships and vikings. Their aerial combat was the same, as Toothless and Stormfly swerved and ducked in time with each other.
     "Hiccup, I don't see Drago anywhere," Astrid called.
     "He's gotta be aro- what in the name of- oh no! Astrid c'mon!" Hiccup chased away, leaving Astrid to follow.
The sinister silhouette of a man stood with his hands clasped behind his back. The classic dragon cages and the insignia bore terrible memories back into Astrid's mind. She turned and raced back to Hiccup's side.
Valka met them in the clouds. "Hiccup, what's?"
     "Drago and Viggo have teamed together!" Hiccup interrupted
     "C'mon! We need to get to them before they can do anymore damage then they have," Hiccup commanded.
Astrid nodded and dove back down, Valka and Hiccup hard on her tail. Dodging a few boulders and flaming boulders, some dragon hunter arrows and chains, they rained fire on the hunters and Drago's men.

     "Hiccup Haddock!" Drago spat as if the name was venom in his mouth.
     "Drago and Viggo, what a, wise combination," Hiccup said sarcastically.
     "Come down Hiccup, lets settle this like real men," Drago hissed.
     "You take Drago, I've got Viggo," Astrid hissed.
     Hiccup nodded as they jumped off their dragons.
     "Viggo! We have a score to settle," Astrid roared.
     "Astrid, my dear, how's-" Viggo was cut short as Astrid swung her blade. 
     "You half troll! Munge eating! Bucket!" Astrid hurled insults in time with her blade.
     "Astrid! You can't blame me for trying to make an honest living," Viggo mocked.
     "Honest and you should never be put together," Astrid yelled. "Unless you honestly died."
     "Drago! I watched you drown!" Hiccup swung his inferno.
     "Takes more than an ocean to kill me!" Drago snarled.
     (See what I did? Anyone? Anyone?)
     "I climbed inside the beast's mouth, using him as a sub. Once he died, I cut myself out of his belly," Drago explained in his raspy voice.
     Hiccup looked sideways as Astrid fell towards the edge. Hiccup chased towards Astrid, grabbing her before the ocean swallowed her.
     Soon Toothless swooped under them, throwing them onto his back. Hiccup suddenly noticed Astrid's pale face and pasty features. And his arm that rested across Astrid's midsection was damp. Bright red stood out against his skin.
     "Toothless, take us to Gothi's. NOW!"
     Toothless whined and obliged. His top speed made Hiccup cling to Toothless and Astrid for dear life.

     Outside, Berkians mixed with Dragon Hunters and Drago's men. Berkians fought to the death with their dragons and Berk was winning. Hiccup flew at the head, leading the war. Hiccup retreated at Gothi's "call".
     Soon Viggo and Drago's fleets fled. The original dragon riders flew to Gothi's, where Hiccup was repeatedly punching the wall. Toothless warbled and tried to comfort his friend.
     "Hiccup! What's wrong?" Fishlegs asked.
     "She's gone!" Hiccup whispered. "Astrid's gone."
     Duh, Duh, Dunnnnnnnnnn! Didn't see that coming did you?!
     Well, stay tuned for the final chapter.
P.S. Did anyone notice Heathlegs in the back ground? I'm sooooooo excited!!!!!

 Did anyone notice Heathlegs in the back ground? I'm sooooooo excited!!!!!

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