Hiccstrid// As Long As You're Waiting At The End

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(Requested by @Strangerthingsfandom
So I had this idea, Astrid and Hiccup plan their wedding! With all the lovey dovey stuff)
     It was a sunny day on Berk, the sunrise cast a beautiful glow in the ocean waves. The dragons were eating their morning meal. Hiccup and Astrid were seated at the grand table in the Great Hall.
     Hiccup watched as Astrid and Valka studied the swatches of linen. Hiccup could not understand it. We're Vikings, we don't use linens, well except for Gobber's skivvies. Hiccup pointed to a royal blue, knowing it was Astrid's favorite color.
     "Yeah, and what about food?" Astrid asked.
     "How about yak chops," Hiccup said hungrily. "Sheep in a blanket. Yak stew."
     Valka glared at her son. "Hiccup, this is your wedding, the biggest Viking celebration ever. Focus!"
     Hiccup caught Astrid's eye. He quietly imitated his mother's facial expression and movements. She snickered quietly, but Hiccup did not miss the look of worry that crossed her eyes.

     "Astrid! Wanna race?" Hiccup asked.
     "Can't, your mom needs me to help her plan the rest of the ceremony," Astrid called back.
     Hiccup sighed. Astrid was stressed, he knew it. He knew her better than she knew herself. He knew that this was all the wedding festivities. His gaze hardened a bit. His fiancé was not going to stress about the wedding.

     "Hiccup!" I need your opinions on some things," Astrid cried. She slammed down a book of selections ranging from colors, to food, to place settings to flowers. "What do you think about the flowers?"
     Hiccup saw her flip to a page full of flowers. She rambled about carnations and roses and tulips and whatever baby's breath was. Hiccup didn't know that was a flower. He shook his head and started chuckling. Astrid continued on her speech about all the decisions they had to make.
"Hey," Hiccup grabbed Astrid's hand sand held them to his chest, "as long as you're at the end of the hall to walk in, I'll be happy. We don't need the big festivities, even if it's Viking tradition."
"Hiccup, that's the problem, Chief Viking weddings are always a big deal," Astrid said. "And we all know that your father would haunt us to our death if we didn't follow it. And my aunt too."
"Are you talking about the one who was cursed by Odin?" Hiccup asked. Shaking his head he continued, "and um, how many laws have I broken?"
Astrid looked at him. "Is that a serious question?"
"That's what I mean, I've broken so many traditions, I'm not an ordinary Viking and I'm not really one for following rules." Hiccup smiled.
Astrid sighed. "I guess you're right. Still doesn't mean the chief's counsel will be pleased."
     "Astrid, I'll talk to them, they'll understand," Hiccup assured.
     Astrid smiled. "Yeah, you're right. And as long as you're the one waiting at the end, we could be married on Outcast Island and I'd still be happy."
     Hiccup smiled and pressed a long lasting kiss on his fiancé's lips. She returned the gesture. They pulled away and simply rested their foreheads against each other. They stayed like that, just happy in the bliss of being with each other.
     "I love you," Hiccup murmured before adding, "Astrid Haddock."
     Astrid smiled widely. She loved the ring to that name.

Preview: Hiccup and Astrid take a trip back, back in time to when the Red Death had just been defeated. Astrid's quickly blooming love for Hiccup puts her on the verge of a mental breakdown when he is unconscious for a week. But she will always be there for him, always the first to help him up when he needs her.


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