Heather// Flowers&Comfort&Rant

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     "Astrid?" Heather poked her head inside Astrid's hut.
     Heather retaliated and used the axe to block a dagger from hitting her arm. Heather peeked and saw Astrid, fuming and glaring at her. Astrid relaxed.
     "Is it safe?" Heather chuckled.
     "Sorry, it's Snotlout," Astrid mumbled.
     "Oh, here's your axe and thanks." Heather handed Astrid the axe and a bouquet of flowers.
     "Thanks, where'd you get such pretty flowers?" Astrid gasped.
     "Fishlegs gave them to me," Heather explained.
     Astrid placed them in a vase and set it on her bedside. Heather sighed as a wave of worry washed over her. Astrid came over to her.
     "You okay?" Astrid checked.
     "I'm just tired." Heather shrugged.
     "I'm your friend, I know when there's something wrong," Astrid pestered.
     "I need to think," Heather said. "I'll be fine."
     Astrid watched as her friend pulled her hood up and left. 
     Heather sighed as she walked around the edge. She passed the forge, picking her axe up. Heather twirled her axe and her shoulders drooped. Suddenly a roar of fury sounded.
     Heather raced to towards the sound. Fishlegs stood shaking in rage. He held three wilted flowers. Heather rushed in and placed a hand on his shoulder. Fishlegs turned angrily. Heather gasped. His eyes burned with anger, something Heather was not used to. He relaxed and took Heather inside his hut.
     "What happened?" Heather gestured outside.
     "Snotlout ruined my garden," Fishlegs cried. 
     Fishlegs continued on a long rant about how Snotlout destroyed his garden and how long it will take to replant. Heather sat and listened, nodding in agreement. Fishlegs ended, breathing heavily.
     "C'mon," Heather ordered.
     "Where're we going?" Fishlegs asked.
     "Hiccup." Heather started walking. "This thing with Snotlout has gone to far."
     "Heather?" Fishlegs said hesitantly. 
     "Yeah?" Heather looked back at him.
     "Thanks," Fishlegs thanked, "for listening to me."
     "What are friends for?" Heather smiled.
     Fishlegs chucked in agreement and continued to walk with Heather to Hiccup's hut.
So if y'all are confused. This takes place in Not Lout. Heather mentions about taking flowers to Astrid in thanks for letting her borrow her axe(Astrid's axe). I just took it farther. 

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