RTTE S6 COUNTDOWN!// A Villians' Demise Pt. 1

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~Day 9~
"Astrid watch your back!" Hiccup yelled.
Astrid and Stormfly swerved the incoming array of arrows. Dragons flitted around the boats. Fleets of ships, ten strong herded the riders into a ball. Each rider flanked their wingman. The tails clustering together. The dragons' firepower was almost out, the riders were slightly panicking. Hiccup and Toothless were diving to try and avoid, but to no avail.
     "Alright gang! We're leaving," Hiccup said.
     "Aha, where? There's no where to go," Snotlout pointed out.
     Hiccup shook his head in disagreement. "We fly up, straight up and out of rang. Once we're in the clouds, we're going back to the Edge."
     The riders nodded. Two at a time their dragons lifted up and out of the way of the arrows and chains. The lower riders shot the bolas and arrows, keeping the path clear. Soon all of them were rising in the altitude. It was a spiral of colors as they all rose, two after the others.

     "Alright gang, we need a new plan," Hiccup groaned.
     He drew his hand across his forehead. Astrid rested a hand on his shoulder, while the other ran along the side of the paper. Astrid and Hiccup swapped ideas with the rest of the riders. Snotlout suggested open warfare, Fishlegs suggested a tactical advantage of Singetails, the twins suggested explosives and Heather and Dagur stayed quiet. By the end, Hiccup was more stressed than before.
     "Alright, Hiccup will come up with a plan and tell you tomorrow." Astrid shooed everyone out of the Clubhouse.
     Heather smiled and beckoned for Astrid to follow her. Astrid nodded and left Hiccup's side. Heather and Astrid walked out of sight and Hiccup yelled. His hands shot back down to the table. Tooothless warbled and nudged his rider. Hiccup's fists relaxed and he looked at his dragon.
     "You're right, I'm sorry bud." Hiccup scratched the top of his head.
     Toothless whined and looked at him with big puppy dog eyes. Hiccup smiled and sat down next to him. Toothless laid down and placed his head next to his rider.
     "I just need to outthink this guy," Hiccup hissed.
     Toothless simply huffed and closed his eyes. Hiccup soon followed suit, leaning on his dragon's shoulder. Toothless curled his tail closer to Hiccup and draped a wing over him. Hiccup slunk into a sleep, his only thought were a battle plan for the hunters.

So so sorry!!!!! So I know there are so many explanations that I give, but truly!!!! I was on a weekend vacation for my best friend's birthday. So 10 and 11 are coming out today too! Again so sorry! Trying to stay on top of it!

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