The Gang// The black hole

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(WARNING! Spoilers for RTTE The Longest Day)

Hiccup looked at the gang. He and Toothless had just gotten back and the dragons had shoved their crazy riders into a hole. Hiccup grunted and Toothless nudged him in.
"Thanks bud," Hiccup yawned.
He sat next to Astrid and snaked and arm around her shoulders. There, he went to sleep.

Heather looked up and saw that she had been laying partially on Fishlegs. She yelped and stood up. Fishlegs caught her as she stumbled into a wall.
"Fishlegs, what happened?" Heather asked. "Why can't I move?"
"Insomnia." The twins said simultaneously.
Heather nodded and let Fishlegs lead her back to their corner. Heather sat with Fishlegs.
"So, how'd I end up, uh, on you," Heather stuttered.
"You looked really uncomfortable, so I though you might want to have a pillow and I couldn't think of anything else. I meant don't worry! Nothin happens I just thought that–" Fishlegs was cut short by a small kiss.
"Thank you, for caring." Heather smiled at him.

Astrid woke up groggily. He looked at her hand. It was resting on Hiccup's chest. She sat up and instantly got a wave of pain in her head. Hiccup opened one eye.
"Astrid, you need to go to sleep," Hiccup mumbled.
Astrid watched as Hiccup pulled her back towards him. She smiled. Astrid shifted around until she laid perfectly in his side. He kept and arm around her. She smiled and just before she closed her eyes she saw a beautiful scene. Heather and Fishlegs were kissing.

The twins slept with their heads in the ground.
"Ugh, sis? Where are we? It's so dark and dry?" Tuffnut complained.
"Remember, they were all so loud that you said we could stick our heads the the ground, that's what we did," Ruffnut screamed.
"Well, I had a genius plan, but somebody excavated it wrong," Tuffnut blamed.
"I didn't do it wrong!" Ruffnut yelled.
"And I suppose you didn't hide out stuffed yak?" Tuffnut accused.
"You put it in our dark, soggy, alone place you muttonhead," Ruffnut screeched.
"Oh," Tuffnut groaned.

And Snotlout? Let's just say he had some emotional issues, even after he slept.

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