Heather&Astrid// The Talk

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(Requested by @FireDragon20
I wish Heather and Astrid had a talk about Hiccstrid.)

Heather and Astrid were soaring around the edge. The Edge had been the riders' home for a few years. Heather and Astrid flew to the top of the Edge, Soaring Point, the highest peak of the Edge. Heather slid off Windshear. She laid her axe down and sat on the edge. Astrid soon joined her.
     "So, what's up?" Astrid asked.
     Heather sighed. "How am I supposed to break it to Fishlegs that we can't be anything more than just friends?"
     Astrid glanced at her sideways. "You really like him don't you?" Astrid clapped a hand on her shoulder.
Heather hummed. "But, enough about me, I wanna know what happened with you and Hiccup."
Astrid shrugged and stuck her blade into the soft sand. "What do you wanna know?"
"When? I mean last time I saw you two, you were shy and still figuring out your relationship, but now, I mean, c'mon." Heather rambled. At Astrid's confused face she sighed. "A blind Terrible Terror could see how in love you two are, and their brains aren't that big.
"Oh, um, that," Astrid said self consciously, "I dunno, I mean, we've just finally figured out where our relationship is going and we know that we'll always be there for each other."
"Well, where is your relationship headed?" Heather implied. She knew exactly where, but she wanted Astrid to say it for herself.
"Well, we'll go back to Berk and I don't know," Astrid said defeatedly. She groaned at Heather's 'yeah right, liar' look. "Hiccup and I have talked about this, we're just gonna take it slowly."
"Well, when I better go, wouldn't want to keep Dagur waiting." Heather smiled and mounted Windhsear.
The bushes rustled. Soon Hiccup and Toothless emerged. "You're leaving?" Hiccup asked.
"Yeah, unfortunately, Dagur has some Chiefs meeting that he dragged me into," Heather explained. She's waved at the two of them before leaning down to whisper in Astrid's ear. Heather dodged the punch and mentally laughed at the glare Astrid gave her.
Hiccup and Astrid watched as Heather flew off. Hiccup turned to Astrid asking, "what did Heather say?"
Astrid sighed. "She said that she expects to be invited to the wedding."
Hiccup smiled and held her by the waist next to him. They watched as Heather's silhouette became smaller and smaller. Hiccup turned and kissed the side of her head.
"Well, next time you can say that she will be, if you want."

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