RTTE S6 COUNTDOWN!// A Little More Hiccstrid

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~Day 14~
     Hiccup walked around a fire that the Riders built. The Riders were after Krogan, but go stuck in a heavy storm. The storm forced them to locate a cave for shelter from the rain and cold. Hiccup continued to pace around it until Heather caught his hand.
     "Hiccup, walking around the fire won't solve anything," Heather pointed out.
     Hiccup sighed and took his place next to Astrid. Astrid placed a comforting hand on his leg. Heather smiled at the two of them. Soon night fell upon the island. All the riders huddled down to sleep, well, all but two. Hiccup and Astrid were standing next to the fire, trying to figure a battle plan.
     "Hiccup, don't worry, we'll find a way to defeat the riders once and for all," Astrid assured. "They can't beat us forever."
     "I know I Astrid, I just need to outthink them, I just need," Hiccup paused. "I need a plan."
     "And the right one will come to you," Astrid promised. She interlaced her hand with his. "Hiccup, don't worry."
     "Astrid how can I not?" Hiccup asked. "The stakes are way to high this time." He squeezed her hand. "They know about you and me."
     Astrid looked at him with soft eyes. "Hiccup, you don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine. It's like you said, 'we can only protect each other to an extent'," Astrid quoted.
     Hiccup pressed a kiss to her lips. He pulled away and sighed. "I hate it when you're right."
     Astrid smiled and lightly chuckled. "C'mon Hiccup, get some sleep."

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