Hiccstrid// Rewind

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(Requested by @shiro_riria
                Could you write about the time When Hiccup couldn't walk on his metal leg (after HTTYD) and Astrid is first to help him.
Requested also by @HTTYD2005
                   Do one where it is what happened when they amputated Hiccup's leg.
So I'm combining these two, since they go hand in hand)

Astrid Haddock walked in to see Hiccup sitting in a chair with his prosthetic up. She knotted her brows in worry. She sat next to him.
"Are you having phantom pains again?" She asked gently.
Hiccup's face twisted in pain as he nodded. He breathed slowly. Astrid removed his prosthetic that was, no doubt, rubbing and making it worse. She set it aside and Hiccup breathed a sigh of relieve as the pain dissipated a lot.
Astrid laid down, placing her head in his lap. She played with their twined hands. "Do you remember when you first walked with a peg leg?"
Hiccup initiated playing a hand war. "Yeah, you helped a lot during those times."
     Astrid nodded. "I wish I had been there since the beginning though."
     Hiccup sat up. He changed and laid her head in his lap and traced her face. Hiccup kissed her head. "But you're here now, and that's all that matters."
     Astrid sat up when he gasped as another wave of pain crashed into him. Astrid held his hand in hers and wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead. Hiccup released his bite on his lip, though he left deep indentations. He looked at her with pained eyes.
     "Astrid, tell me a story, anything, just please! I need something else to focus on." Hiccup ground his teeth and squeezed her hand.
Astrid nodded and laid back down, starting her story. "It all started when you were in that coma."

     Hiccup and Gothi were inside with Gobber and Stoick. Astrid watched as Toothless growled at all the Vikings who approached him with weapons. Astrid got up and walked over to the crowd.
     "Okay everyone, so there's a Night Fury here, so what?" Astrid defended. She stepped in front of Toothless. "I swear if you hurt a scale on that dragon, Stoick and I will run you all through. Right, and I'm sure that Toothless would love to rip your throats out," Astrid added after Toothless' hiss.
     A wail sliced the air. Toothless jumped up and ran to Gothi's hut. Astrid grabbed his neck. Suddenly her turned on her, his eyes slits and protection clear in his body. Astrid shrunk back and slowly raised a hand. Toothless' eyes widened in horror in what he almost did. He rushed in and nuzzled her hand and nudged her into a sitting position. Astrid chuckled as Toothless's laid down and laid his head in her lap.
     "I'm so sorry Toothless," Astrid said stroking his head. "I swear, I'll never kill a dragon again."
     Toothless warbled and nudged closer to Astrid. She sighed and felt a cozy feeling sweep her body. Toothless' body wrapped around her. His tail curled safely around her back, while his wing bent over her head, sheltering her from the stormy weather approaching.
     "You're so cute, you know that?" Astrid asked, scratching around the nubs on his head. She chuckled at his annoyed huff. "I mean, when you're not acting like the offspring of lighting and death. Do you think Hiccup's going to make it?"
     Toothless hummed sadly. His eyes closed with a low moan. Astrid stroked around Toothless' ears and his flaps of scales. Crooned happily as it sent a shock wave of pleasure through his body. Astrid chuckled.
"You like that?" She asked. "Toothless, what are we gonna do buddy?"
Toothless warbled sadly as if to say, we'll get through this together.
His paw nudged her boot and soon rested right in front of her. Astrid smiled when she realized that this dragon was comforting her. He was sad too. His best friend and rider was in there, fighting for his life, and her best friend and one love was in there.

Toothless landed steadier than Stormfly. He watched Hiccup get off and lent his head for stability. Astrid slid down Stormfly's wing and patted her neck. Stormfly turned her neck so she could scratch her favorite spot. Astrid laughed as Stormfly crowed in delight. Stormfly was a warrior, but oh so vain.
"Here, I'll walk you inside," Astrid offered.
Hiccup reluctantly accepted her support. "You don't have to do this you know," Hiccup murmured.
"Look, for all the years I bullied you, I need to do this," Astrid said adamantly. "For myself."
Hiccup smiled gratefully. Toothless followed them inside. Astrid helped Hiccup up his stairs, but stopped in the doorway. A crash sounded and a startled and scared Stormfly was stuck in the door. Her head was through, but her frills forbade her to come out.
"Hold on," Astrid said to Hiccup. "Stormfly, you silly dragon," Astrid said affectionately. "C'mon, work with me here." Slowly she was able to crane her head so that she could get out. "You stay out here." Stormfly chirped and said down.
Toothless ran outside to entertain his new friend, while I helped Hiccup get to his desk. He smiled at me, which I returned.
"Thank you Astrid, for everything."

"And that's how I bonded with Toothless and you." Astrid concluded.
     A soft smile graced her face as she looked up to see Hiccup's head to the side on the back of the couch. His eyes closed his face peaceful.
     She slowly sat up and slid off the couch. She looked back at her sleeping husband. His breathing was even and deep. She stooped over his face, pressing her lips to his. She pulled away softly, but a hand caught the back of her neck and pulled her back down. She smiled when she saw Hiccup's vibrant green eyes and a smug expression.
"Let's go to sleep," Astrid suggested. "I'm tired."
Hiccup smiled and picked Astrid up over the threshold. She wrapped her arms around Hiccup's neck and leaned into his chest. Together they ascended the stairs to the loft.

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