Heathlegs&Hiccstrid// Sick Nightmares Part 1

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It was a frigid morning on the Edge. Everyone was bundled in the Clubhouse. Astrid was huddled contently next to Hiccup. Ruff and Tuff were testing if they were frozen. Punches were thrown so fiercely in that corner. And Snotlout was having his pants get a slow burn. Heather sat around the actual fire, sharpening her axe.
"Hey, has anyone seen Fishlegs?" Heather asked suddenly.
"No we haven't seen your boyfriend," Astird teased.
Heather glared, but blushed. Hiccup sniggered a bit. It had been five months since Heather had been sick, and everyone knew the couple liked each other. Heather rolled her eyes and pulled up her hood.
"Wait, where you going?" Hiccup asked.
"I'm going to see if he's okay," Heather replied shortly.
     Heather jumped on Windshear and soared across the Edge. Landing outside Fishlegs' hut she knocked quietly. Heather's brows furrowed. She knocked again, and again. Finally she burst open the door. Fishlegs groaned and rolled over.
     "'Ey 'eather," Fishlegs slurred.
     He was pale. His eyes had horrid bags under them and his nose was red and inflamed. He attempted to sit up. Heather rushed over to set him down.
     "What happened?" Heather gasped. "It was me, wasn't it."
     Heather knew the answer and wasted no time in pulling up her mask and running to fetch some water. She came back with a bucket of water, just as he had. She sat down and with a hidden smile, began to rub Fishlegs' head and face with the rag. He suddenly bolted upright and ran to a nearby trough.
     "I'll be back!" Heather cried frantically.
     She raced outside, getting away from the noise and sounds. She jumped on Windshear. As they flew she tore off her hood and mask, throwing them into the fire, wanting to kill all the germs. She raced into the Clubhouse panting.
     "Hiccup!" She gasped. "You gotta go take care of Fish!"
     "But he's your friend," Hiccup said worriedly.
     "I can't do it!" Heather wailed. "I, I, just, I."
     Astrid ran to her friend. As Heather hyperventilated and stumbled for words, Astrid exchanged a horrified look with Hiccup. Not once had they seen Heather so broken. Heather fell to the floor with Astrid holding her. Heather soon forgot what she was trying to say and just slumped her shoulders in defeat. Hiccup nodded and raced off with Toothless.
     "Let's get you to your hut," Astrid said soothingly.
     Heather nodded. She allowed Astrid to lead her to her hut. Heather sat on the edge of her bed.
     "So, you wanna talk about it?" Astrid asked.
     Astrid waited, but no reply. Astrid nodded quietly and just ran her hand up and down Heather's back. Heather's sniffles became less. She laid her head in her hands.
     "My parents."
     Astrid looked at Heather, confused as to what her parents had to do with Fishlegs.
"My parents could never keep anything down," Heather wispered. "After a day, they, died."
     Astrid nodded in understanding. Heather thought Fishlegs might die.
If anyone's curious, I couldn't decide if it centered around Heathlegs or hiccstrid more, or around Heather, so I just put them both.
Part 2 next week!

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