RTTE S6 COUNTDOWN!// Traitor Johan Pt. 2

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~Day 5~
Astrid's head lolled to the side. Her eyes snapped open. Her hands were tied around something and she had a bag over her head. She tried to scream, but was unfortunately gagged. Astrid ran her arms up and down the log, she found out it was a tree and started rubbing harder. The rope was so thick and so tight, she was wondering who even got it around her wrists. Her head leaned back on the tree, wishing she could be anywhere but there.

     "Guys! Guys!" Fishlegs screeched.
     "Fishface! Stop screaming!" Snotlout yelled.
     "Astrid and Hiccup are gone!" Fishlegs said urgently.
     Snotlout rolled his eyes. "Isn't it obvious where they are?" Snotlout groaned at Fishlegs' look of blankness. "They're together! Now let me get back to my sleep."
     Suddenly the twins came. "Hey guys! Have you seen Toothless?"
     Snotlout was getting very fed up. "He's with Hiccup! How did I become the only person who knows where Hiccup is?"
"Oh yeah? Then why is Stormfly and all our dragons locked up with new locks?" Ruffnut challenged.

Hiccups vision was exceedingly blurry. His eyelids flickered. "Wha?" He was on some kind of a ship. He realized his hands were tied. He quickly made do of a nail that was loose. The ropes snapped and he rubbed his sore wrists. His head napped up at the footsteps, indicating a person's arrival.
"I hope you are finding your living arrangements to your liking," Viggo said. He chuckled and walked all the way up the the bars of the cage.
     "Viggo," Hiccup growled.
     "Well did you not think that we would not find you?" Viggo taunted.
     "How, our base is protected, by dragons, how did you men get there?" Hiccup questioned.
     "Ah, my dear Hiccup, you should know personally that taking an enemy down from the inside is the best way," Viggo said matter-of-factly. Viggo shifted to reveal the one person who hid behind him.
     Hiccup clasped the bars. "Johan? But how?"
     "Years of trust have finally paid off Hiccup," Johan said. "You and your riders can't save all dragon, you'll be lucky if you save Berk's dragons."

     "Astrid! Astrid!"
     The gang raced through the forest, searching for Astrid. Suddenly Fishlegs spotted a moving log with a skirt and blue shirt. Astrid.
     "Astrid! Thank goodness," Fishlegs said with a sigh of relief.
     Astrid shook her head. Fishlegs tore the bag off her head and untied her hands. She looked up as he released the gag. Astrid breathed correctly, taking in deep breaths. "Fishlegs, we have to save Hiccup, I'm sure he's in danger."
     Fishlegs nodded and mounted Meatlug. Astrid jumped on behind him as they flew back to the stables. Stormfly greeted her from her pen. Astrid looked at the lock. None like they had ever seen before.
     "So, how do we break the lock?" Astrid asked.
     "Well, we've been trying dragon fire, but it's not working, and we don't have a key." Fishlegs shrugged hopelessly.
     "Well we can't all ride Meatlug into battle," Astrid said.
     "Ah contrar! We have Barf and Belch too!" Tuffnut yelled.
     He had picked the lock. They all looked to his hand, there was a tooth. Not just any tooth, the Snow Waraith tooth. Fishlegs gasped as Tuffnut threw it over to him. Astrid looked closer and saw that the holes lined up perfectly.
     "Tuff, I never thought I'd say this, but you are a genius." Astrid unlocked the doors. "Okay, let's get Hiccup."

     After blasting and battle, Hiccup and Toothless were finally back where they belonged, up it the skies. Astrid smiled at the sunset from the Clubhouse decking.
     "Astrid, I'm gonna have a talk with the gang, you in?" Hiccup popped his head out of the Clubhouse.
     Astrid nodded. She walked in and sat down while Hiccup explained everything from the ship.
     "Wait, you mean to say that Johan has been working for them for, well, ever!" Snotlout threw his hands up in aggravation.
     "Well, yes, but that's not important," Hiccup said quickly. "He said that they were after the King of Dragons.
     "The King of Dragons?" Astrid echoed.
     "Woah, cool name!" Ruffnut admired.
     "So much better than Zippkeback," Tuffnut added in a whisper.
     "Look it doesn't matter what it's called, if it is truly the king of dragons, we can't let the hunters anywhere near it." Hiccup said adamantly.

So sorry again! But, I had almost finished it yesterday but I was out late last night. Attached is the RTTE S6 TRAILER! So yeah, I'm super pumped! And can't wait! Day 6 shall be out later today.

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