Hiccstrid// Lost Part 1

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     Astrid's fingers wandered over the embelished coin Hiccup had given to her earlier that day. The coin was his betrothal gift to her, meaning that no matter how long, they'd be together forever. She smiled and held it close to her heart.
     "Astrid?" A familiar voice sounded.
     Astrid stood up and placed the coin carefully in a small box. Opening the door she was greeted by a raven haired lady.
     The two friends encased one another in a hug. Astrid led Heather inside and they sat on the edge of her bed. Heather looked at Astrid's smiling face.
     "What'd Hiccup do or say?" Heather asked.
"What d'ya mean?" Astrid asked shyly.
"You're practically glowing!" Heather emphasized.
"Well, yes I am!" Astrid agreed.
Astrid turned around and pulled out the box. She handed it to heather for her to see.
"A gold coin?" Heather asked. "I don't understand."
"It's Hiccup's betrothal gift to me," Astrid said excitedly. "It means we'll be together forever."
Heather squealed and placed the coin back in the box. Heather grabbed Astrid and gave her a massive bear hug.
"What'd you give Hiccup?" Heather asked suddenly.
"Oh, well, I couldn't think of anything, but Hiccup told me that it would be fine. That I was a gift to him, me being there right there," Astrid repeated, reminiscing in the moment.
"Oh wow! That's the sweetest thing ever!" Heather screeched.
"Okay, Vikings are trying to get some sleep," Hiccup said from the doorway.
"Sorry," Heather said.
Hiccup rolled his eyes playfully and left to his hut. Astride smiled and looked at her lap, while setting the coin on my bedside. Heather and I chatted until midnight, then we finally decided to get some sleep.

     The next morning, the edge was awoke by a distressed wail. Hiccup raced to Astrid's hut, avoiding the flying axes and weapons that were being thrown.
     "It's gotta be here somewhere," Astrid panicked.
     "Um, Astrid?" Hiccup said.
     Astrid stood straight and whirled around. "Hiccup!"
     "Are you okay?" Hiccup asked.
     Astrid sighed. She could not lie to Hiccup. She bit her lip, fumbling for what to say. Hiccup waited patiently.
     "I lost it!" Astrid blurted out.
     "What? Lost what?" Hiccup asked quizzically.
     "The coin, the coin your father gave to your mother Hiccup. I lost it," Astrid said sadly.
     "Lost it, Astrid, you are the most organized Viking I know, you probably just misplaced it."  Hiccup set off, looking around her hut. "Is it in your bed?"
     "No, and I know I out in on my night table, just ask Heather, she saw me put it there," Astrid insisted.
     Hiccup and Astrid met each other's gazes with confidence.
Yes, pretty short, but part two next week sometime!
So, a few things that you can brief over...
1. I got the app on my iPad, so I'll probably be going through and fixing the weird gaps between paragraphs.
2. I got an Instagram for this account! Now an explanation. There are technically two. The first one is Passion_hiccstrid, that one I made and could not log in on so it is out of use, that is not the main one.
Wattpad_Passion_Writer is the one I am active on for this Wattpad account.
Das it!

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