Hiccstrid// Interuption

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(This is based on when Tuffnut interrupts them in Shell Shocked Part 1)

Hiccup and Astrid were discussing battle plans against Ryker and Viggo. Astrid glanced at Hiccup's scowl. She laid a hand on his and folded the map.
     "Hiccup, you need to take a break," Astrid insisted. "You've been working to hard."
     "Astrid, we talked about this, it's gotta be business as usual." Hiccup held her by the shoulders.
"I know, it won't happen again," Astrid promised.
"It is nice to know you care," Hiccup assured.
"If you don't know that now, then." Astrid looked at him.
Hiccup gently took both her hands in his and pulled her closer to him. They turned their heads slightly and their eyes fluttered closed.
Their lips connected. Sparks seemed to fly up Astrid's back and Hiccup's heart skipped a beat. Astrid's hands left his and traveled to his neck and hair. Hiccup shivered at her touch, as Astrid mentally giggled at his reaction.
Hiccup's hands placed themselves on her waist and ran up and down the small of her back.
Suddenly the door burst open. Hiccup and Astrid pulled away, standing next to each other in shock.
Tufnut gave a spiel about him being a mace man and Ruffnut having a mace, blah, blah, blah.
"Tuffnut!" Hiccup and Astrid yelled.
Tuffnut an Ruffnut excused themselves, closing the door behind them.
Astrid giggled. Hiccup chuckled nervously.
"Where were we?" Hiccup pretended to think.
Astrid rolled we eyes and pulled him closer to him.

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