Hiccstrid// Why Me?

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(Okay! So lets start back with a Hiccstrid one-shot!)(Takes place during Dawn Of Destruction when Hiccup and Astrid are on the island)

Astrid leaned against Hiccup's shoulder as she and Hiccup watched the fire dance in the sky.
"Hiccup?" Astrid looked at him. "What do you see in me?"
Hiccup removed his arm from around her. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I mean, you could've picked any other girl in the village, but why me?" Astrid explained.
"Because you're special," Hiccup said simply. "Astrid, I've noticed you since we were fifteen, and finally we're together. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"But why? Why and I special to you? Why me?" Astrid persisted.
"Astrid," Hiccup started, "Berk has lots of other vikings, yes, but none are as special to me as you. You are always there for me, even when I couldn't walk on my metal leg, you were the first to volunteer to help me. You act tough, but you're just as sensitive as I am. You're just better at hiding it."
Hiccup's hands traced her's. Astrid's eyes flickered to their interlocked hands and then back to Hiccup's face. Astrid smiled a bit.
"Why all the questions?" Hiccup asked.
"I just wanted you to be completely honest with me," Astrid said quietly.
"What do you see in me?" Hiccup asked suddenly. "I mean, besides the level-headed dork?"
Astrid punched him lightly. "Who said you were level-headed?"
Hiccup put on an 'are you serious?' face, but soon cracked and started laughing. "Add it to the list of why I love you, you keep me level-headed."
Astrid chuckled. "But to answer your question, it's your sensitivity that drew me to you. I never liked the buff vikings, but you are so different and caring. It makes me feel as if," Astrid stopped and thought. "As if nothing can keep me from anything. Hiccup, you may be different, but you are the only one I feel as if I can share anything, be who I am."
Hiccup wrapped an arm around Astrid's shoulders. Astrid sighed contently. Hiccup turned his head and pressed a kiss into her hair.
"You know you can tell me anything," Hiccup checked.
"Of course I do," Astrid said quietly. "Else I would never have told you what I just did."
Hiccup smiled and leaned back against Toothless' belly. Toothless warbled and curled his body around Hiccup and Astrid. Stormfly nestled near Toothless, with her wing brushing Astrid's boot.
"You know Astrid, I know nothing will ever separate us," Hiccup stated. "My father said that nothing can break our bond."
Hiccup waited for Astrid to respond, but nothing came. He glanced down at her face.
"Astrid?" Hiccup asked quietly.
Hiccup gave a small smile. Astrid's sleeping figure was peaceful. He laid his head back and soon slunk into a deep sleep as well.

HOW COULD TRADER JOHAN BETRAY THEM!!!!!!!!! I was also thinking, maybe Trader Johan is a play on words. What if it was actually supposed to be Traitor Johan? (I dunno)

Okay, rant over.
Also, did anyone read "What do you see in me?" as Regina and Robin from season 4? Any Oncers read it like that?

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