Hiccstrid// I'm putting my foot down

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"I'm sorry, as leader, I'm putting my foot down," Hiccup stated.
Astrid glared at him. Her blind eyes gauging her distance and direction.
"Astrid, what are you doing?" Fishlegs asked.
Astrid suddenly spun. She grabbed Hiccup's collar and pinned him to the wall. She leaned close. Hiccup could feel her breath on his cheek.
     "You are taking me with you," Astrid hissed.
     "N-n-no," Hiccup stuttered.
     Astrid pressed closer and rested her chin on his shoulder. Hiccup shivered at her breath.
     "F-f-fine." Hiccup gave in.
     Astrid released him and giggled.
     "Great! Let's go,"Astrid said cheerily.
     She sat on Toothless, waiting for Hiccup. Hiccup walked over and mounted Toothless. Astrid wrapped her arms around Hiccup as they took off. She looked around, though it did no good.
     "Remind me never to put my foot down," Hiccup muttered in Toothless' ear.

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