Hiccstrid//Through the good and the bad

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(Hiccup and Astrid get into a fight and after Astrid takes off. When Hiccup finds out there's a storm he takes off to find her.
"Why can't you understand!"
The gang watched with anticipation as the new couple glared at each other. Astrid's eyes seemed to glow with fury; however, Hiccup's had a fire that no one had seen before.
     "You are so dense!" Astrid yelled.
     "Dense?" Hiccup said in disbelief.
     "You don't like that, try dim witted, pea brain, moronic, shall I go on?" Astrid insulted.
     "I was just worried, you know I worry!" Hiccup yelped helplessly.
     "I can take care of myself! I don't need you peeking over my shoulder at every second!" Astrid growled.
     "I just don't want anything to happen," Hiccup's gaze started turning hard.
     "Well, I can protect myself," Astrid huffed.
     "You know what? Sorry! Sorry for worrying. You know, maybe I should've chosen the Dragon Eye!" Hiccup's mouth exploded.
     Astrid gasped quietly. Her eyes started brimming with tears. Soon she was shoving him back.
     "You know, I wish Viggo would've just killed me then! Then you could've gone and kept your precious Dragon Eye and forgotten about me!" Astrid shoved him backwards.
     "You know I didn't mean i-" Hiccup tried.
     "I think you do. Do you know how it feels to love a guy for ten years! But him hardly notice? It hurts!" Astrid pushed him onto the ground.
     Astrid stormed out of the clubhouse. Hiccup got up and started to chase after her. Heather blocked him.
     "Let her blow off steam," Heather advised. "Trust me, shell do things she doesn't mean to when she's furious."
     "First hand experience?" Hiccup guessed.
     "She almost speared me with a dagger when Snotlout ruined her training." Heather glared at Snotlout. "Just let her go, she'll be back and more calm."
     Toothless roared. The gang raced to the clubhouse entrance to see Astrid fly off on Stormfly. The gang sat helplessly around the fire.
     "Hiccup, what happened?" Heather asked curiously.
     "Well, she was working in the forge trying to sharpen her axe and add a few things. But I came and asked her if she needed something. She said no, but then she almost killed herself with a new mechanism she came up with. So I told her to leave and take a break for a while. She said no so I dragged her out and told her to clear her mind and try again later. And that I was worried." Hiccup heaved with breaths as he spilled the whole story.
     "Um, Hiccup?" Fishlegs whimpered.
     Hiccup saw the black night. Realization set in when thunder rolled across the sky. Hiccup's face paled.
     "C'mon Hiccup." Heather rested a hand on his shoulder. "Let's go find her."

     Hiccup and Fishlegs took off towards the north, while Heather left to the south. Heather was flying through the storm, hoping that Windshear could see. Suddenly a bobby image caught Heather's eye.
     "Windshear, down!"
     As they got closer, the sight shocked Heather. Stormfly was bobbing around the waves. Her wings were splayed and her eyes dropped. On her back sat a ocean soaked Valkyrie. Astrid.
     Heather took her horn and blew it as hard as she could. No avail. No one came.
     "Looks like it's just you and me." Heather patted Windshear's neck.
     Windshear lowered for Heather to pull Astrid on. Heather laid Astrid across the saddle in front of her. Windshear gripped Stormfly with her paws and wrapped her tail gently around to secure her.
     Windshear's wings beat furiously at the added weight. Once landed her roar almost deafened Heather. Three beams of light exploded at the Edge.
     "Snotlout! Take care of Stormfly!" Heather ordered.
     For once he did not argue and took Stormfly to the stables.

     Astrid laid on her bed with a rag on her forehead. Hiccup and Fishlegs burst in.
     Hiccup dropped next to Astrid's bed. Heather and Fishlegs left them in peace.
     "Astrid? I don't know if you can hear me." Hiccup swallowed and grabbed her hand before continuing. "I love you, I'm sorry for worrying so much. But trust me when I say, I'll be with you through the good and the bad. I'll be next to you always."
     Hiccup leaned over and pressed a small kiss on her lips. His eyes shot open as a hand wrapped around his neck. He pulled away to see Astrid smiling at him. She giggled.
     Hiccup leaned over her again. His face was inches from hers. "I love you."
     Astrid pulled his closer. "I love you too."
Badum ch!!!!!!!!!!!!!(did anyone understand that?)
So finally updated!!!!!!!
So sorry, but you know how life is! School, Easter is coming and I'm just, AGH!
But I'll be working on writing the next one shot soon!
And please go over to TheChristianGirl12 and give her some love! She's going through a lot and really needs our/her follower and reader's support right now. My prayers are with you!

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