Heatlegs// Hair

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Heather has never really liked her hair. She didn't like that it was so straight and was just black. She had low self-esteem about it and hated her hair; until today.
Heather was in her hut, actually addition to Fishlegs'. She woke up as usual. She ran a hand through her hair.
Yesterday she had been target practicing at night, and had never braided her hair after her bath. She looked at the raven colored ends. Her hair was not that messy. She sat there with her hands running through her hair for a bit.
"Heather? Can I come in?" Fishlegs asked.
"Um, sure," Heather invited.
Heather shoved her hair behind her and leaned back.
"What's up Fish?"
"Well I was wondering if– is your hair down?" Fishlegs broke off.
"Oh, I was just gonna braid it," Heather mumbled.
"Can I see it?" Fishlegs asked.
"Um, I-I guess," Heather stuttered.
Heather pulled her hair to one side and stood up, letting it flow down her front. It was long and beautiful. It ended just under waist.
"Can you leave it down for today?" Fishlegs asked hesitantly.
"No way," Heather hissed.
"Why? You look so pretty," Fishlegs whimpered.
"You, really like it?" Heather looked astonished.
"Yes, please. Just for today? Just for me?" Fishlegs pleaded.
"Fine," Heather sighed.

"Woah! Heather, you look amazing," Hiccup stated.
Astrid looked at him and elbowed his stomach. Hiccup looked at her and pulled her closer. Astrid leaned into him as he kissed the top of her head.
"You'll always be the one for me," Hiccup assured.
     Heather smiled at Astrid, glad that the two of them had finally confessed their feelings. Heather played with a strand of her hair.
     Fishlegs also played with a strand that was in the back.
     "Your hair looks beautiful down," Astrid complimented.
     Heather smirked and walked over, giving her friend a hug. Heather tugged the band out of Astrid's hair. Astrid back up as her hair was released from its bonds. Astrid glared at Heather. Heather smirked and walked back to Fishlegs.
     Astrid looked at Hiccup and shrugged. Hiccup grinned and twirled Astrid's curls in his fingers. Astrid smiled a bit.
     Heather and Astrid walked out to spend some girl time. They hair blew around as they raced each other to the training grounds. Hiccup and Fishlegs looked each other.
     "We have amazing girlfriends," Fishlegs sighed.
     Hiccup hummed in agreement.

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