Hiccstrid// Hidden News

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Requested by @nightfurytrainerxd (Hiccup leaves for a Chiefs meeting for five years. In this time, Astrid has a baby and Hiccup's reaction. Set after HTTYD2)

"I'll see you in five years," Hiccup murmured.
     Astrid hummed in response. Her throat clenched as she remember what she was going to tell him. "Hiccup, I have to tell you something."
     Hiccup nodded for her to continue. "Go on."
     Astrid bit her lower lip. Words jumbled in her head. "Just to, come back safely." She rested her forehead on his.
     Hiccup nodded and boarded the boat. He had left his mother and Gobber as acting chief. Astrid waved goodbye from the docks.
     "Goodbye Hiccup, come back. For both of us."

It had been three years since Astrid had said goodbye to Hiccup. It had been the hardest thing for her to do. She had never gotten a chance to tell him about their babe, his son, Stoick.
Astrid was sitting at his desk, writing a note to Hiccup. Toothless had been bemoaning the fact that he had not been allowed to go with Hiccup. But he busied himself with playing with their curious toddler.
So much has happened here on Berk. The village has finished the engraving and I know you'll be proud to see how well they did. Toothless misses you. As do I. But I know you'll be coming back soon. Hopefully with all your limbs intact. Hiccup, the day at the docks, I wanted to tell you something. But I didn't have enough courage to. So I know writing it is pretty lame, but, Hiccup, we had a son.
I can only hope you're not mad at me. I love you.

Astrid sighed as she strapped the note to Sneaky. She then released the small dragon to go to the Berserkers, wheeee the meeting was being held. She turned and saw Stoick looking at her wit big eyes. He played with his feet and gurgled when he saw his mother.
"Hi babe," Astrid said quietly.
She scooped him up and bounced him on her hip. He giggled and clapped his chubby little hands. Soon a word slipped from his ever talkative mouth.
"Dada," he mumbled.
"Stoick," Astrid said happily, "your father will be so proud of you."

     Hiccup sat on the edge of his bed. His hands roamed on the piece of paper, a drawing of Astrid was printed on it. His head perked up as Sneaky soared through the window. He unrolled the note as Sneaky wove around his neck. His eyes widened as he grasped the meaning of the letter.
     "Dagger! Heather!" Hiccup raced down the hall.
     Dagger and Heather jumped out from their living quarters. They looked around wildly, weapons in hand and ready to fight.
     "I gotta go!" Hiccup yelled.
     Hiccup flew down the the docks, wishing he actually could. He untied his ship and jumped upon, pulling the mast up and letting down the sails. Heather and Dagur stood yelling at him. Hiccup instructed Nseaky to take Astrid's letter to them.
     Heather looked over her brother's shoulder at the letter. A smile graced her face as she saw the importance of the letter. She grinned as she secretly made preparations for visiting Berk soon.

     Astrid shot up from bed at the blow of the horn. It was not an enemy, but a boat was approaching. She stood by the window, rocking Stoick, who had awoken by the sound of the horn. Villagers raced to the docks.
     "Hey! Fishlegs! What's going on?" Astrid yelled.
     "A boat is approaching, waving the Berk colors!" Fishlegs explained quickly.
     Astrid's eyes lit up. She raced down the the docks. Stormfly trotted next to her. Astrid is unable to fly Stormfly with Stoick. Her mind focused on one thing.

     Hiccup stepped foot on the docks and was immediately swarmed by villagers. He smiled and greeted as many as possible, but he was in search of one and one only. There, she peaked the hill with his mother. She quickly passed a bundle to Valka and raced the rest of the way. The crowd knew and let a pathway for their chief to greet his wife.
     Astrid jumped into his arms. "You're back!"
     Hiccup had his arms wrapped around her back. "I would never leave you."
     Astrid nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck. "Never?"
     "Never," Hiccup murmured.
     Astrid soon let go and led him to Valka. Valka smiled and handed the toddler to his mother. Astrid picked him up and held him for Hiccup.
     "Our," Hiccup could not finish.
     "Son," Astrid finished, "Stoick."
     Hiccup looked at Astrid. He held his arms out for his son. Stoick shielded away for a bit, but Astrid passed him to Hiccup. Stoick looked at Hiccup with wide blue eyes. Hiccup smiled at him. Stoick recognized him from a family portrait and from his mother's stories.
     "Dada!" Stoick strapped his tiny arms around Hiccup's neck.
     Hiccup held him closer. He let Stoick cling to him, but also took Astrid by the hand and walked towards their house, with the intention of getting a lot of answers.
Okay! So, I am trying to keep up the once a week thing, but it may not be once a week, because of school. I hope you all understand that I will absolutely try to update once a week, but I do not guarantee. But I shall try 100% to get a chapter once a week.
Also leave ideas!

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