Hiccstrid// The Broken

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(This is one of the scenes in my upcoming new book)
     Astrid Hofferson walked through the halls of Berkly High, her head down and her eyes fixated to the floor. Her backpack jingled with chains and charms of sculls and crossbones.  Her black boots clicked as she walked, her black knee high skirt swishing with every move. The ends of her black long sleeve shirt were held in her hands.
     "You don't deserved be to live!"
     People taunted. Astrid kept her head down and blocked out all words. She opened her locker, hissing in annoyance as fake spiders dropped from the ceiling of it and stuffed bats fell from the locker. She swiped them all up and placed them in a trash can near her locker. She took out her math book and turned. She sent a murderous glare at everyone. She slammed her locker shut and stormed to class. And Erie silence followed.
She got into class and slumped in her seat. Mrs. Racke walked over. She laid down a book about Shawn Johnson. She gave me a friendly smile. She knew I love gymnastics. I train whenever I can. I gave her and smallest of smiles. Suddenly the room door burst open and a sea of students flooded the room, chatting and being all peppy.
Suddenly an auburn haired guy poked his head around the corner.
"Is this math?" He asked.
"Do you want Algebra or Calculous?" Mrs. Racke asked nicely.
"Um, Calculous," he said shyly.
"Yes this is it, who are you?" Mrs. Racke inquired.
"Hiccup, Hiccup haddock."
Close call for the week! So this is part of the first chapter of Hiccstrid AU: The Broken! I hope to have it our for y'all beginning of November, maybe before.
*book is discontinued for the time being*

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