Hiccstrid// OUAT

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(Once Upon A Time)

Hector Haddock and Ashley Hofferson walked down the streets of Hyperion Heights. A small pet store caught their eye. Looking to the left, they saw a litter or Rottweiler puppies and Golden Retrievers. Ashley and Hector watched them for a bit, but soon decided that they could not house a puppy at that time.
As they continued, they stopped outside Roni's. A black Lab laid at the entrance of a nearby alley. Hector looked at him. Ashley coaxed Hector away from the Labrador for a bit.
The little jingle bell rang as they entered. Roni was caught up in talking to Henry. Ashley and Hector sat on the other side of the bar. Roni popped over to them.
     "Hey. What can I get 'cha?" Roni asked perkily.
     "I know this is a bar, but how about some water?" Ashley asked.
     "Same please," Hector agreed.
     Roni nodded. "Come here cause it's quiet?" She guessed.
     "Yeah, it's a break from the rest of the Heights." Ashley glanced sideways at Hector. "What's wrong?"
     "Hey Roni? How much do you know about the black lab out there?" Hector gestured to the door.
     Roni sat the glasses down and leaned on the bar. "Not much, I give him a plate of food, but he doesn't have a home. I do know, that he's very protective and he only has three legs, his back left leg was amputated."
     Hector nodded, humming thoughtfully. Ashley and Roni were engrossed in a conversation about the best way to take someone down with a baseball bat. Hector left soon to go talk to the lab.
     "I hope he's not serious about that lab," Ashley admitted. "We don't really have the space."
     Roni nodded in agreement. "So what brought you to the Heights?"  
     "Well," Ashley cleared her throat, "I'm gonna tell you something and you can decide whether to believe it or not. We came from a small town named Storybrooke, we came to find a woman and guy named Regina and Henry. Their family's in Storybrooke and want to see them again."
     Roni leaned closer. "I believe you."
     "Really?" Ashley gaped.
     "Because I'm Regina," Roni explained. "Henry's my son, he and I were traveling before the curse struck and brought us here. I miss Storybrooke, but I don't miss the pant suits."
     "You'll come back with us right?" Ashley asked.
     "You can get back into Storybrooke?" Regina asked perplexed.
     "Yes," Ashley said excitedly.
     "I'll grab the rest of my family and we'll be on our way," Regina agreed. "And thank you, for coming to get us."
     "Your welcome," Ashley nodded.
     "Hey! Ash! We're taking a dog home with us!" Hector announced.
     "Well I hope he's up for car rides," Ashley said sarcastically. "Turns out, Roni is Regina and she has her memories."
     "Great! I'm Hiccup, by he way," Hiccup revealed.
     "And I'm Astrid," Astrid stated.
     Soon Regina's family was back in Storybrooke with the Haddocks. And their Happy Ending was beginning.

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