Chapter 50

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Alyssa opened the passenger door to her car and waited for me to get in before slamming the door shut. I saw my parents drive down the road in front of us. I had told them to not wait because I would be hanging out with Alyssa afterwards. My family knew everything that had happened and I am not sure if they were going to be angry or unchanged by the performance. Alyssa started the car and left the parking lot. "Theresa, I'm so sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything." I reply.

"What do you want to do?" She asked aware of my distant state.

"Can we just go and sit. I don't want to see anyone." A few minutes later she pulled into an empty parking lot within the business park.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" She asked cautiously. I couldn't keep my tears in any longer. At this moment I only wanted to be with Logan.

"No. Can you take me home please?" I ask through my tears. She empathically agrees and drives me back to my house. By the time I reach the front door my eyes are clear from any tears. I spend some time with my family who congratulate my performance. I quickly go to my room and close the door. I only have to show up to that school Tuesday Morning to graduate and then I won't have to show my face around that place again. I have already gotten two texts from lower class men saying how sorry they were for me. I turned off my phone and shoved it my nightstand drawer.

The next morning I spend most of my day in my room watching Netflix on my laptop. I do not turn my phone back on until Monday night. The phone continues to buzz for several minutes before finally coming to rest. I look at the notifications and see 22 messages and 3 missed calls. I unlock my phone and start to look at the messages. Most of them were from Bradley. I reply to his text telling him that I'd explain everything when I saw him next. The rest of the messages were from Alyssa, and some of the other seniors. I reply to all of the messages reassuring everyone that they shouldn't listen to everything they hear. I close the messages app and open the missed call log. All three missed calls were from Logan. I want to be with Logan. When he was around he made me feel as if nothing in the world could hurt me. I closed my eyes as my finger circled over the call button, but I knew that I need to be able to get over this by myself.

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