Grand Entrances are Overrated

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I clawed my way out of the ground, pulling myself out of what looked like a hastily made grave. I had no idea how long it had been. No idea how long I had fought for my life in purgatory. I rolled into the grass on the side of the wide and empty road, looking at myself and my ripped, bloodstained clothes. I felt sore, but pushed myself to my feet anyway. My head was spinning,my stomach reeling. Everything hurt. But eventually, I focused my mind enough to remember what had happened. Though now, it seemed so long ago.

I was in the bunker. I remembered. I was with Sam and Castiel. Dean... Dean was gone. No Crowley. No Lucifer. No Beelzebub. No Rowena. No Tyler. Then what? Then the lights came on. Sam told me to go to bed. But someone else was there.A woman with a gun. Then Castiel was gone. Had he run away? No. He was sent away. What about Sam? I was supposed to run. But I didn't. Because I couldn't leave Sam. Then there was that burning pain. The gunshot. I was shot. Twice. That bitch killed me. But who was first bullet met for? Sam screamed. It was Sam. Sam was shot after me. But where was I? Billie couldn't help me. So where did I go next? Not heaven. Not hell. In between. Purgatory. That's when I fell into Purgatory.

Sam. I swallowed hard, worry shot through me. Had it been to long? Was Sam okay? Was Castiel okay? Where was Crowley? Rowena? Tyler? What had become of Lucifer and Beelzebub? There were so many questions. But no answers. There was no one to guide me through this. Hell, I didn't even know what day it was. I looked around, there was no city near by, no signs, not a car in sight. I stumbled back in the field and looked up at the clear night sky.

"Castiel!" I screamed. I waited.No one came. "CASTIEL!" I screamed louder, hurting my own throat.Still nothing. I tried again. "Beelzebub!" I yelled. No response. Whatever happened to hi against Amara, he was probably weak. As was Castiel. If they couldn't hear me, that meant that what happened to Sam wasn't long ago. It set my disappearance within the month. Which was good, I guess. I coughed a few times. When was the last time I had spoken? "CROWLEY!" I screamed out one last time. And, as I had suspected, Crowley ignored my call.

After way too much walking I found myself in a small town. Or a pit stop... area. Anyway, I could tell that there was no where I could clean myself up. And with no money I would be stuck in my ripped, bloody and dirty clothes. But, thank the heavens, I saw a car. An unattended car. Although, As I moved slowly towards it I got the feeling that I had company. And not the good kind of company. This place seemed like a ghost town, and I really hoped that didn't mean what my instincts were telling me it meant.

"Hey!" I heard a shout and whipped around, gun pointed at someone who had a rifle pointed at me. "You're the Winchester's pet... whatever are you doing out here?" The man blinked and his eyes went pitch black. Ghost town. Demon town. The more you know. I blinked my eyes and felt them become that pure black, with only my iris and pupils as a blinding white. A show of power and status, or so I had learned.

"I'm about to kill a demon. What're you doing?" I asked confidently. He chuckled.

"You're a little out numbered. And by the looks of you, I'd say you've been through hell." he commented.

"Purgatory, actually. It's nicer this time of year." I shrugged.

I could practically feel movement within the houses around me.

"I'm not here to cause trouble." I held up my free hand.

"You and those Winchester's always cause trouble." He sneered.

"I'm willing to let you live. And not tell Sam or Dean about this.. community." I took a step back.He took a step forward. "Hell. I'll even keep it a secret from Crowley." And that hit a nerve that made him stop.

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