Whipped into Shape (Part 2)

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We were all changed by the time we got to the road that was blocked off.

"Guess we're walking." Dean said as he turned off the car. I stepped out in a long dress and fancy boots.

"Do I have to look like a house wife from the 50's?" I asked.

"Yes." Dean said before trying to hop over the fence. He struggled while Sam slipped around the open area. And, just to spite him, I walked over and jumped the fence in two swift motions while he practically fell to the other side. Dean stared at me, and then at Sam, and then ahead.

"Let's just go." He said angrily.

We walked to the house and I immediately felt that something was wrong. I followed Sam and Dean up to the front and Dean knocked on the door. A woman opened it. She stared at us.

"Can... I help you?" She asked timidly.

"Uh... yes. We're... We're social workers." Sam smiled. The woman made a face.

"You're not the one that usualy comes." She said, inspecting the three of us.

"Yes... Well, you see..." Sam trailed off.

"Olivia has passed away." I spoke up. The woman covered her mouth.

"We just... were assigned here and thought we'd come by and... meet you ourselves." Sam said softly.

"Uh... yes, yes... come in." She said as she stepped aside and let us in.

We talked to this woman, who seemed pleasant for the most part. Her husband and her son had come in shortly after to hear the news and fall into a solemn prayer. I dropped my head to pray as well, an old, old habit from when my mother would make me.

"Are you religious?" The woman asked me when I opened my eyes to meet hers. It had occured to me that Sam and Dean hadn't closed their eyes to pray. She smiled at me. I nodded.

"I uh... I was baptized when I was 8." I nodded. "I've been going to church all my life. My mom used to bring me every Sunday, and Wednesday." I said truthfully. The woman put her hands over her heart and smiled.

"Olivia was very religious as well. It's why we liked her so much. She understood." she smiled at me. "I'm glad the lord has brought you here to us." She nodded. Her son was staring at me, he looked about my age.

"I... I'm just an intern..." I muttered, shifting uncomfortably.

I wanted to escape the situation. I offered to go help Dean as he helped the son and father with... something. Replacing a wheel on a buggy?

"You... don't have to." The boy spoke to me with a slight blush on his face.

"No it's fine, really." I smiled. I could feel his mom staring at us. "God gave me two capable hands, I might as well use them to help out." I nodded. The boy gave me a small smile.

"Well... uh... this might be a bit much for you." He said as we started to walk.

"I think I can handle it. I can do all things in christ who strengthens me." I said for good measure as we went out to the back.

I ended up sitting there and watching the three of them talk and work. They seemed like a nice family. Maybe Dean was right after all. Either way, it was a refreshing time, helping out. Maybe the nice mother would ask us to stay for dinner. I could put on this act for just a bit longer and maybe learn to cook something so we wouldn't be stuck with fast food for the rest of our lives. But, as I decided to go back into the house before Dean and the other guys had finished fixing up the carraige, I heard Sam and the woman arguing. Religious views. Medicine. Dean stopped the argument before it got too bad as I stood their awkwardly with the couples son.

"I think you should leave." The husband said, putting an arm around his wifes soilders. We left with no complaints.

Dean was angry. Sam was angry that Dean was angry and not listening to anything he had to say. I couldn't blame him. Dean had been acting like a complete dick since Mary left. I was just as fed up as Sam was.

"Well I'm going to give that social worker what's coming to her." Dean snapped. Sam crossed his arms.

"And if you're wrong?" He asked.

"I'm not." Dean turned away. "We shouldn't have bothererd that family." He grumbled, opening the Impala's drivers side door. He looked at Sam and I.

"Well?" He motioned for us to move.

"I'm staying here. Somethings not right." Sam stood his ground. Dean glared slightly, holding down his own frustration.

"Fine!" He got in the car and slammed the door.

"Dean!" I stepped forward but he drove off. Then I heard footsteps, angry ones, I looked back and saw that Sam was walking off. "Sam..." I groaned. I set my back against the fence we had jumped over before and put my hands over my face.

Dean was gone. I had no idea where Sam had gone off to. I had no choice, making my way back down the dirt path we had walked. It was getting dark. I peered through the trees and was just able to make out the shape of a person, walking with a lantern. A smile came to my stoic face.

"Hey!" I waved. The figure stopped and looked back at me as I got closer, raising the lantern higher, I could see that it was the boy from before.

"What're you doing back?" He asked polietly.

"I... the car broke down about a mile away..." I lied, rubbing the back of my head.

"Oh. Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah. I just... got separated from..." I looked around, feeling something strange. It was that voice again. Those words. God help me. God, help me.

I looked back to the boy.

"Do you hear that?" I asked. He stiffened.

"Hear what?" He asked. I looked back towards his house and saw a dim light coming from the window to the basement. That's where it was coming from, I could feel it. I looked back at the boy, then back at the house.

"What's going on?" I asked cautiously, walking towards the house.

"Wait!" The boy yelled. I ignored him, getting closer to the house with each stride that got me closer to the voice I was hearing. "Stop!" He was running after me now, I could hear footsteps. I stopped. I could hear two sets of foot steps. I whipped around just in time to see the boys father swing a shovel, knocking me out. 

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now