Unfair in Love and War (Part 3)

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It was dark. It was quiet. The whole city seemed to sit in silence. We looked around, no one seemed to be there.

"Let's try out back." Mirabel said, walking away from me. I followed after her, she looked around the corner. "Seems clear..." She muttered as I turned to look in the other direction to assure that we weren't being followed. To assure that a fight had not broken out inside that diner. I heard a shout from Mirabel. I turned to see that she had gone around the corner. I grabbed the angel blade that I had slid through one of the belt loops on my pants and hidden under my jacket. I grabbed it and ran around the corner just in time to see Mirabel run through with a blade.

"Stop!" I shouted, my eyes changing to the black and white when the woman with the eye-patch looked at me. She froze.

"What are you?" She asked. I blinked my eyes green again.

"You're... human?" I muttered. She glared.

"You're not." She charged me. I held up my hand to hold her in place, but she muttered something under her breath and kept coming, knocking into me.

I pushed her back and she swiped her blade at me, I jumped out of the way and looked at it as I held up my own.

"Is this your blade?" I made a face. She glared and swiped at me again. I ducked and rolled behind her, kneeling and stabbing my blade forward, she spun out of the way and I felt a kick connect with my face, I rolled across the ground, my blade clanging and rolling away from me. I pushed myself up and rubbed my face. That hurt. A human actually hurt me. She picked up the blade and stared down at me. I glared. "Lady. You do not want to make me angry. Trust me." I stood and stared her down with my black and white eyes, my wings extending from my shadow behind me.

"Mirabel!" I powered down when I heard Ishim's voice and saw him running. The woman said some more of those strange words and I flew back, slamming hard into a wall that knocked the wind out of me. She ran at Ishim. There was a struggle, Ishim was injured, but not killed.

"Ishim!" I couldn't stop her, but I could help him. I threw my hand up and pushed him away when she tried to bring her blades down on him.

That's when Sam and Dean and Cas showed up.

"Humans?" She stepped away when Sam and Dean stood in front of us.

"How..." Castiel was awe struck by something before Ishim called out to him for aid. Dean was at my side now. And, In all the confusion, that woman had fled.

Ishim was in pain.

"I have somewhere we can go. Where we can hide." He muttered. Castiel nodded. Dean helped me stand.

"You okay, kid?" He asked.

"Who was that?" I looked to Ishim and Castiel.

"I'll explain later. Let's get out of here." Castiel said, helping up Ishim. I felt the hurt in my body start to mend itself and took a breath before we all exited, leaving Mirabel's body behind.

We sat at Ishim's hideout while he laid on the couch, refusing to let Castiel heal his wounds. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll do it." I said as Sam and Dean demanded answers from Castiel.

"You don't have to explain yourself- ow!" Ishim glared at me after I prodded his wound a little too hard. I ignored him.

"Oops." I muttered to let him know I did it only to shut him up. Castiel started to explain everything. A long, long time ago, he was part of a group who had come down to earth to destroy a human, angel half-breed. The daughter of that woman who had been using some sort of magic to keep her alive all this time.

"Lily Sunder." Castiel said. "I can't believe it..." I swallowed.

"Do you think she killed my mom?" I asked, staring mindlessly at Ishim's blood stained shirt. The room fell silent.

"It's possible." Castiel muttered. I took a deep breath.

Sam and Dean stood up.

"We should go talk to her. Try to reason with her." Castiel, Ishim and I all looked to Sam when he said that.

"She didn't seem too reasonable when she was trying to slice me open." I muttered bitterly. Ishim nodded.

"What this thing said." He said, making me glare at him.

"Do you want me to heal you or are you-"

"Dean and I will go alone then." Sam said. "She didn't seem to want to hurt any humans." He pointed out. We agreed on that. And, Sam and Dean left.

I was alone with Castiel and Ishim. 

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