Family Reunions are Always Uncomfortable

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Getting there was the easiest part. And I say that because as we rolled up and saw Castiel standing outside, I could instantly feel how warded the house was. Warded against angels, demons, but not me. Why not against me? I looked over to where Dean and Castiel were talking, where Mary had a short argument with Dean before Castiel offered his help by telling her he needed the company. I looked to Dean.

"Do you want me to come?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I'll be right back. Don't worry." He said. Only, Dean didn't come right back. And as I was standing there with Mary and Castiel, we could all sense that something had gone terribly wrong.

"I can go check." I offered when Mary started pacing. Her and Castiel looked at me at the same time. "I don't think they're expecting me. It's not warded against me at all." I shrugged. Something clicked in Mary.

"They're definitely not expecting me..." She nodded. "Nellwyn, honey, come with me." She said, grabbing a gun from the Impala and starting to walk. I looked to Castiel, who nodded.

"I will... wait here." He said before I ran off after Mary.

"You... have demon abilities, right?" She asked. I nodded slowly. "Good. Cause we're gonna need to scare these people good." She said.

We went through the front door. Mary seemed very straightforward. When we weren't attacked immediately she nodded to me.

"Listen. Like you did in the bunker." She said. I nodded, calming myself enough to hear all through the house we were in. I heard ragged breathing, soft talking, a demanding tone. I pinpointed it.

"Basement." I said, looking to a closed door. Mary stormed over and opened the door slowly before moving downstairs, me following close behind her.

"You leave my boys alone." She glared at the woman, pointing her gun. The woman looked back in shock and fear.

"" Sam muttered, "Nell?" he didn't look too good. Dean nodded and smirked at him.

"On the ground." Mary demanded. The woman didn't move. "Nellwyn." Mary said, I put my hand up and closed it into a fist, causing the woman to let out a noise of pain and fall to her knees. "That's the ground." Mary said before nodding at me to go free Sam and Dean.

I released my hold on the woman as Mary held the gun to her. I found the key's to Dean's cuffs and let him go before pulling out a pocket knife and freeing Sam with one swift motion. Then I heard a grunt, whipping around I saw Mary and the woman fighting. Lifted my hand when the woman drew a gun, letting out a force that pushed the gun from her hand and threw her into the table on the far side of the room. Mary kicked the gun to me, I kicked it up into my hand and held it out to Dean.

"It's full." I noted as he took it from my hand. Dean gave me a look and nodded slowly before going to help Sam up.

"You and I are going to have a talk later." He was saying. And I opened my mouth to say something, but suddenly my air was cut off. I coughed, I couldn't exhale. I gripped my throat and tried again, but only more sounds of pain and struggling came out. I looked to the woman who had a bloodied hand up.

"Orinia condemnabitur." She repeated over and over. In laymens terms, Orinia be damned.

The woman looked to Mary, Sam and Dean as I fell to the ground in a light headed stumble forward. Deam took his finger off the trigger and put his hands up. Mary did the same. Dean walked forward slowly, but, instead of handing the gun to this woman, he knocked her out with a hard blow to the head; and just like that, I could breath again. I coughed and Sam helped me up. I looked up at him and smiled before hugging him. Unfortunatley, the woman wasn't unconcious for long, she groaned and got to her feet slowly as Mary stood with Sam, Dean and I. But, before the woman opened her mouth, she was cut off by a man in a suit.

"Toni. That's enough."

He stood there with Castiel, a smug and annoyed look on his face. Sam put an arm in front of me, Dean moved closer to us, Mary readied her gun. The man stared at this small team, this sort of family that was ready to fight.

"There's no need for that." He said. "Your angel is here. I could have left him outside, right?" He raised both his hands. Dean and Sam relaxed. "That means I took the warding down." He explained.

"So you think taking some wards down makes up for what she did to us?" I snapped. The man looked over at me and offered a smile.

"Young lady, or... young, Orinia, I mean no harm, really." He said. "Why, the angel could kill me any time he wants." He shrugged.

"He has a name." Dean glared.

"Of course. Castiel, is it?" The man remained calm.

I didn't like him. Neither did Dean, or Sam or Mary or Castiel. It was no wonder we didn't take him up on his stupid offer to work together. But it was a wonder when he let us all walk out of there without a fight. We got into the car. We drove away. It was simple as that.

Sam leaned back in his seat, then he looked at me.

"I thought..." He trailed off. "Did you die?" He asked. The car got quiet, I felt Dean looking at me in the rearview mirror.

"That puddle of blood in the bunker..." Dean added.

"I..." I swallowed. "She shot me..." I said, putting a hand on my back of my head. "She... hid my body for... research?" I looked up at the roof of the car.

"I should've killed her when I had the chance." Dean growled, driving faster so he wouldn't be tempted to turn around. Mary put an arm around my shoulder, I looked out the window, something in me noted that, usually, I would be crying. But I was different now, very different.

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now