An All Out Stand

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Bobby looked behind us suddenly and we all turned to see Castiel stumble through the portal, looking around.

"Cas!" Dean rushed to him.

"He's coming. He's almost here. We have to..." Castiel trailed off, looking around this broken world.

"We can explain later. Let's just go." Dean said, then he looked to Bobby. "Will that gun work on an arch angel?" He asked.

"What? Probably." Bobby shrugged.

"Mind if I use it?" He asked. Bobby blinked.

"Knock yourself out. Let me know how it goes, kid." he chuckled. Dean nodded.

"Alright. Let's get going. I think I have a plan." He said, and Sam and I nodded as we all hopped back to the other side.

We stopped.

"Damn it!" Dean cursed.

"What are you doing here?" Sam scowled at Crowley, who had appeared to have been waiting for us.

"I went back to the bunker to find you two and found-"

"Me, instead." Crowley cut Cas off, lifting up his bandaged hand. I was confused, but shook it out of my mind when Crowley said he might be our only hope. The plan was set in motion. Dean's plan was to trap Lucifer in that other world. It was Crowley's plan too, except he had a spell to do it. All we had to do when get Lucifer in there. Mary was staying with Kelly. Castiel, Sam, Dean, and I would attack and lure Lucifer across to the other Earth where Crowley would be waiting with the spell that would lock Lucifer there forever. It seemed simple enough, sure. So Crowley crossed over after Castiel went and came from the bunker with the needed ingredients. Castiel and Sam and Dean and I went into the house and waited.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could think to say after a while. Sam offered a smile, Cas simply nodded, and Dean put an arm over my shoulders and squeezed me. Forgiveness felt good. But then my eyes went black and Castiel stood.

"He's here." We both said. We went outside.

Lucifer stood there, arms crossed.

"Howdy you guys." He smiled. We stood our ground. "You know, I'd love to stay and catch up but the little tyke is almost here so-"

"Why are you doing this?" Sam cut him off. "Chuck's just going to stop you again, just like he did last time."

"Chuck walked. He isn't coming back." Lucifer chuckled.

"So what? You're just going to smash his toys? Apocalypse part two?" Dean snapped. Lucifer shrugged.

"I've always been a fan of the classics." He smirked. No one moved. "Okay, so, we're doing this." Lucifer cracked his knuckles. "Let's go." He said. Castiel moved first, brandishing an angel blade and being easily knocked away. "That worked." Lucifer looked at the three of us.

"Run." I breathed, and Sam and Dean took off.

"Really?" Lucifer looked at me.

"Really." I said, running off after them.

"Real mature!" He called after me.

Lucifer rounded the corner and stopped just as we all went through the portal. We split up. Sam hid, Dean hid, I ran to see how Crowley was holding up. Lucifer came moments later. I couldn't hear what the boys were talking to him about.

"Is it almost done?" I asked.

"These things take time, Nellwyn. This is the last good thing I'm going to do for you so you should take it in."

"I know they take time. I just..." I peered over the rock we were behind and Dean was going at it with the gun filled with angel blade bullets. "I just don't think we have that much time." I said, looking Crowley in the eyes.

"There's never enough time." Crowley said, going back to his delicate work. I heard a shout of pain from Sam and looked over the rock again. Lucifer was beating the two into pulps. I looked back to Crowley.

"The oil now?" I asked, holding it up. He nodded and I poured it in. "Done!" I smiled. He sighed.

"Not exactly." He muttered.


"We still... need one last thing." He stood up. I stood slowly.

"What? What is it?" I asked.

"A life." Crowley said, grabbing his blade from the ground next to him.

"I'll do it." I said to him. He didn't respond.

Crowley and I stood and I raised my hand, pushing Lucifer back before he could cause anymore harm to Sam and Dean.

"Hello." Crowley nodded. My eyes turned from black and white back to their green color. Lucifer looked between us.

"Crowley..." He said while laughing. I lifted my hand again and pulled Sam and Dean towards us. Crowley said he needed a life. So I offered mine. I helped Sam and Dean up and we walked towards the portal.

"Go, I have to do something." I told them, moving back towards Crowley. "I'll be right there. I promise." I said, lying. They moved closer to the portal as I looked back to Lucifer and Crowley, moving towards them.

"You'll lose, whatever you try." Lucifer was saying.

"You're right." Crowley said. "But at least I'll lose for a... friend." He said, confusing Lucifer. He took the blade from his sleeve and gripped it tight.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion. I realized, Crowley wasn't going to let me sacrifice myself. He was going to sacrifice his own life. I thought back to what he said earlier as I felt Sam grab my arm and pull me back. He knew?

"Crowley no!" I screamed as he plunged the blade into himself. I felt the spell flare and my heart break. Crowley fell limp onto the ground. Sam and Dean pulled me back towards the portal that was closing and Lucifer looked up at us with a smug smirk. I felt tears coming on. I never thought I'd cry for Crowley. I certainly didn't think I'd fight for him as well. My eyes went black and white and I swept my hand back, pushing Sam and Dean through the portal. I strode towards Lucifer and felt the tears going down my face.

"Alright. Let's rumble." He said, holding up his fists. I swung first, a low blow that hit his stomach and sent him back a bit. He reeled back and I felt his fist connect with my face, splitting my lip so blood rolled down my cheek.

I grabbed the angel blade, pulling it out of Crowley and spinning it in my hand, running Lucifer through with a shout. He stumbled back in shock.

"Nellwyn!" Castiel was running towards us. I calmed my breathing and he grabbed my arm, pulling me back. Lucifer yanked the blade out of himself and Castiel pushed me behind him, getting one good punch in before turning to me. "Run. We need to go. Now!" He said. I nodded and we ran, jumping through the portal. Dean pulled me into a hug and looked up as the portal was about to close. Castiel opened his mouth to speak but then an angel blade pierced through him, his grace flaring and vanishing.

"NO!" Dean shouted as Castiel fell to the side, unmoving and gone. Sam and Dean and I stood, looking at Lucifer who stared at us very angrily.

"Get away from them." Mary's voice spoke.

"Oh great. Another one..." Lucifer glared.

Mary slipped something on her hands and stepped forward.

"Don't." I grabbed her arm. She smiled at the three of us.

"I love you all." She said before lunging forward and punching Lucifer with the brass knuckles that could only hurt angels.

"Mom!" Dean shouted. Mary was punched and pushed back. She looked at me as I stepped forward to defend her.

"Nellwyn go get the baby. Get him and run, you hear me!?" She shouted. I hesitated as she got back up. "GO NELLWYN." She demanded. I stepped back and broke into a run.

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now