Mother May I

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I felt cold water splashed onto my face. I heard dinging. A bright light broke through my darkness.

"Nellwyn!? Come on. Please. Wake up. Nell?" I was being shaken. I felt another blast of cold water on my face and my body shot up, coughing. I leaned forward, coughing and hacking with my dry throat. "Oh thank god. Drink." I felt a water bottle pressed to my mouth. I grabbed it and drank it greedily, downing it in mere seconds before taking in a large breath of air. It was then I noticed that I was sitting in a car. I looked and saw a woman with long blonde hair, staring at me with concerned curiosity. Standing behind her, I could just make out Castiel, watching me with a worried look.

"C..Cas?" I cleared my throat and coughed again. I looked forward, right in front of me, and tears filled my eyes. "Dean!" I threw myself at him, landing in his open arms. He squeezed me tightly, as if he didn't want to let me go.

"What happened to you kid? You look terrible." He pulled away and looked me over. "Who did this to you?" He asked while I collected my thoughts.

"We... we went back to the bunker. Sam and Cas and I." I rubbed my head, noticing the bandage. "But someone was there. She..." I looked up at him. "I was... I was there for so long... purgatory just..." I heard my voice break. "I-" Dean hugged me tight again before I could continue.

I hugged him back.

"I had... to survive..." I muttered into his hug. "And then I was out... I... I was alone." I sniffled. "I found a town. A town of demons. I... I had to survive." Dean's hug got tighter. "Then the car accident. Beelzebub disappeared... the car I took was totaled. And the woman who found me after that..." I pushed away from Dean. "Dean she knew where Sam was. I know she did. She was bringing me there too." Dean wiped my face, on his hand I noticed dried blood, dirt, tears.

"Lay down. Let's get you home, clean you up, get you something to eat." He said. I breathed out and nodded, laying in the back seat as he closed the door and talked to that woman for a few moments. She walked around and opened the door where my head was. I lifted myself up to look at her. She was really pretty.

"Hi there. Nellwyn, right?" She asked as she climbed into the seat with me. I nodded slowly. "I'm Dean's mother, Mary." She said, then smiled a little at the shock that came over my face. "You look like you've been through a lot." She carefully brushed a dirty strand of hair from my face. "You're so young..." She muttered.

"I... uh... I'm 18. Now, I think." I chuckled a little. "I guess... I lost track of time. You know?" I offered her a smile. She smiled back.

"Here." She said, laying my head down on her lap. I blinked for a moment as I felt her hand stroking my hair. "I love my boys. But I always wanted a daughter." she said as Castiel and Dean climbed into the front seat. Mary started to hum, Dean and Castiel remained quiet, and I silently fell into the first peaceful sleep I had had in a long, long time.

When I woke up in my bed next to my bear that had been placed so carefully next to me, I was able to let out a loud sigh of relief. Then there was a knock.

"Can I come in?" It was Mary. I sat up and nodded. She smiled, closing the door behind her and sitting on the foot of my bed. "Dean's told me about you..." She smiled at me. "In his stories... you're not nearly this quiet." She chuckled. I laughed with her.

"I'm just..." I searched for words. "Feeling... overwhelmed?" I looked around.

"Glad I'm not the only one." Mary said with a small smile, hiding some sadness behind it. "So... you've been watching after my boys, huh?" She asked.

"It's only been about... 2 years now, I think." I admitted. "They're... hard to keep up with." Was my only comment before Mary laughed. "Is... there any news on Sam?" I asked. Mary shook her head.

"Castiel is going to call in the morning." She said.

There was a silence as she looked around my room that had slowly become my own since I had begun living with Dean and Sam. Clothes in the dresser where the drawers weren't closed all the way, clothes on the floor. Empty cups littering the desk, my backpack thrown down in front of where my television sat. A few books sitting on top of the desk in the middle of the cups. Her eyes eventually settled on my bear.

"So this is what Dean meant when he said 'for a friend'..." She chuckled, leaning forward before stopping. "Oh.. may I?" She asked. I nodded and she picked it up. "I was... holding this when Dean found me." Mary nodded before handing it to me.

"It... um... it's from my house. Well, my old house." I sighed, putting it down next to me. "It's the only thing that survived the fire, aside from me." I chuckled quietly. Then I looked back to her. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Nearly 1 in the morning." Mary said. "I'm surprised you were awake."

"I wake up in the middle of the night all the time. Don't worry." I offered her a smile, slowly feeling more comfortable. "What did Dean say about me?" I asked.

"Well... he met you on a job at your school, you saved him and Sam. He said... for a nerd, you have pretty good taste in music, and food." I smiled sheepishly. "You're stubborn, independent, don't listen and always dive into trouble for those two." Mary finished and looked at me. "All in all, Dean said you fit right in." And at that, we both laughed.

I talked with Mary for most of the night before I heard Dean start to stir. She noticed my small snap to attention other than in my room and tilted her head in confusion.

"I can... usually feel and hear things that go on around here" I told her. "It's like, super senses." I smiled. "And... Dean's awake. Or about to be." I said, slipping out of bed. The ringing of a phone went off. "That must be Castiel." I said when the phone was picked up on the second ring and Dean began talking. Castiel found Sam. Wards. And... Dean was talking about his mother. When I looked back to Mary, she had already slipped out of the room, so I stopped eavesdropping and got dressed before heading upstairs where there was a soft toned argument about going with Dean to find Sam.

"I can handle it myself, plus I don't want Nellwyn to be here alone." Dean was saying as I walked into the room.

"I won't be alone, I'm coming with you." I smiled at Dean, standing next to Mary.

Dean sent me a glare that told me to play along. I sent him a glare that said I wasn't going to. His face shifted to a 'do-what-I-say' look, mine shifted to a 'try-and-make-me' look.


"Dean." Mary interrupted him with a mom-voice before he started and argument we would never have finished. "Be nice." She said, walking past him towards the car. I smiled.

"Listen to you're mother." I stuck my tongue out at Dean, he pointed a finger at me and opened his mouth to say something. Then he glared hard.

"Get in the car." He said as we walked. "I thought you were on my side." He muttered.

"I am. Which is why I'm coming too." I smirked as I slipped into the back seat, Dean got in the drivers seat and we drove off.

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now