Stranger Danger

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I watched a passing sign.

"Missouri..." I muttered. A smile formed on my face. "That's not far. Not at all..." I sighed and sat back. About... 6 or 7 hours from Kansas. From there, I could find the bunker. And from there, I could find my family. I looked to my savior. "Do... Do you know where I could get a car?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Sorry." She said. I shrugged.

"No problem." I said, guilt being pushed back at the thought of having to steal this kind persons car to get where I needed to go.

"May I ask... what are you doing all the way out here?" She inquired.

"I uh... was on my way to see a friend, and got into a bad accident. My car was totaled." I gave a sheepish smile.

"I'm surprised to see you in one piece." She said casually. I gave her a strange look as we passed a sign saying the next exit would take us into the city. There was something about her I didn't quite trust. Maybe it was her British accent. Villains usually have accents. Don't they? But then again. What would be the odds of an enemy finding me way out in the back roads of Missouri? No chance. Not at all.

I looked around the city we were in. It was more like a suburban area. A sign read Aldrich, Missouri went gently past us in the cool night.

"My house isn't that far." She was saying as I stared cautiously out the window. I looked back at the woman.

"Is there an airport near here?" I asked. She glanced to me.

"Where are you trying to go?" She asked.

"Uh... Kansas." I said. "As quickly as I can. My friend is probably worried about me, you know?" I added. She nodded slowly.

"I think your friend has other things to worry about, Nellwyn." She said. I decided something at that moment, as we came to a slow stop in front of a stop light. I unbuckled myself. The woman looked to me. "What are you doing?" She asked. I looked at her.

"I never told you my name." I said, flinging the door open and getting out of the car. I heard her curse under her breath before I took off running down the street. I heard tires squeal behind me and immediately dove for cover when a bullet whizzed by me.

All I knew is that I was sprinting, rolling into a yard, to my feet, running to a fence and climbing up, throwing myself over as I saw the car cut around the corner of the street I was on now. I wanted to fight back. My gun only had one bullet. This woman knew where Sam was, I just knew it. My next move was drastic, but entirely necessary. I hoped a fence, rolling out into the street where the car came to a stop in front of me, the driver side door swinging open as she got out. My gun was already pointed at her. She stopped.

"Really? What are you going to do with that?" She asked.

"How'd you get that dent in your car?" I asked with a glare, now seeing the huge, ugly dent in the front of her car.

"Like you don't already know." She said, taking a step forward.

"Don't." I cocked the gun. She stopped again.

"You're not going to kill me." She said.

"Don't count on it." I glared. "I've killed a lot better for a lot less." I snapped.

"Toni thought sending you to purgatory would ensure that you wouldn't be coming back." She stepped forward again. I stepped back. "How did you manage to return?"

"What can I say? I'm an unpredictable monster." I said, changing my eyes in an attempt to intimidate her.

The woman was unfazed. She pulled out her own gun before I could even blink.

"What's that? Are eyes a show of power to your kind?" She asked.

"My kind?" I scoffed.

"Angels. Demons. Whatever it is you are."

"I'm something far more dangerous." I spoke evenly.

"Then why haven't you shot me yet?" She took a step forward, under the street light, I took a step back.

"Because I know I can out run you." I said, aiming my gun up and using my final bullet to shoot out the street light, sending glass and sparks raining down on her before running in a zigzag pattern, not looking back.

I heard her footsteps behind me and I squeezed my eyes shut as I ran.

"Kansas. Kansas. Come on. Kansas." I kept saying, trying to force myself to teleport away from here. It wasn't working. I turned a corner sharply when my racing senses picked up the clicking of a trigger on her silenced gun. My gun was loud, hopefully I drew some attention to the situation. I concentrated harder. "Kansas. There's no place like home. Something. Come on!" I was frustrated, trying to force myself to think clearly. My mind was racing, and, all at once, I tripped and fell into to the ground. My head hit something hard and knocked my mind clear. That woman was getting closer. I could hear her. I pushed myself up to my knees and breathed. "Kansas..." I muttered. And suddenly, I was kneeling on the side of the road. Weak. Tired. Hurt. Hungry. Thirsty. Alone. My power leaked away from me like a light turning off. I passed out right there, in front of a large sign that read "Welcome to Kansas." 

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now