Famous Friends (Part 3)

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Beelz grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away from the public area we were in, settling for a very segregated booth in the back of the restaurant.

"Why are you here? I thought..." He shook his head. "I thought we just had to worry about Castiel and Crowley..." He muttered.

"We?" I leaned in. "Who's we?" I asked. He didn't respond. "Don't tell me you're actually working with Lucifer, are you?" I asked. He gave me a saddened look.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said. I sat back.

"Why?" was all I wanted to know. And, he explained very vaugly that Lucifer needed strength, that his vessel was fading, he needed to be sustained. That was all, Beelz didn't see any alter motive. Lucifer had seemed angered lately, lost and frustrated. All feelings I could fully understand. I glance out at where the Impala sat, casually waiting. Sam and Dean must have been thinking the plan was going well.

I looked to Beelzebub.

"Where's the concert?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I can't say. I'm sorry." He looked away.

"Beelzebub. Please. This may be important." I reached out and grabbed the hand that he had rested on the table. "If you don't want Sam or Dean to know... then... then take me there." I whispered. Beelzebub looked over at me.

"Take you... to Lucifer?" He asked.

"The night of the concert, come get me. Text Castiel the address." I said.

"... The concert is tomorrow." He said.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded. He nodded. "Thank you, Beelzebub." I smiled as leaned back.

"I prefer it when you call me... Beelz." He said with a small smile. I laughed a bit and spent the next hour or so just spending so much needed quality time with my friend.

I told Sam and Dean later on that I wasn't able to get a pass. They said not to worry about it, I did tell them, however, that I had found out that the concert was tomorrow. This prompted up to decide to split up. Castiel he would find that band member, whom he still didn't know was Beelzebub. Crowley went with him. Sam and Dean and I were going to try and find the concert. We were leaving the motel that next night after a day of extensive online searching to no avail, when Beelz appeared.

"Is something wrong?" Sam asked, stepping forward. "You're part on Vince's... crew, right?" He asked. Beelzebub glanced at me.

"Yes..." He nodded slowly. "He sent me here to..." An apologetic look flashed across his face. I stepped back. Something wasn't right. Beelzebub held up his hand and snapped his fingers and suddenly, I wasn't with Sam and Dean in the motel parking lot anymore. I was sitting in a large hotel room on a couch.

"Pleasure to see you again." A voice spoke.

I looked back to see Vince Vincente holding a glass filled with alcohol.

"Hi, Lucifer." I sighed.

"Can I fix you a drink?" He asked. I glared.

"Why am I here?" I demanded.

"Didn't you ask Beelzebub to bring you here?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I asked him to bring me to your stupid concert." I looked to Beelzebub, who had sat down on the other couch. "I didn't think he'd tell you." I shot more at Beelz than Lucifer. I glass was thrust into my hand as Lucifer sat down next to me.

"You and the gang are trying to find me?" He asked, sipping his drink.

"The gang and I are trying to shove you back into hell." I sat the drink down on the table in front of me. Lucifer glared a bit, and, in a fit of anger, he threw his glass, shattering it on the far wall and standing to look at me.

"You of all people should know why I'm not going back there." He snapped.

"You're gathering people to murder them." I shot back.

Lucifer scoffed.

"It's not murder if they off themselves." He picked up my drink. "Do you want this or not?" He asked.

"No." I crossed my arms.

"Such a rude guest..." Lucifer muttered as he turned away from me, drinking from the glass he had taken. "Fine. Let them come." Lucifer nodded to Beelz who took out a small phone and started... texting, much to my surprise. "But you're sticking with me." He looked back at me.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I growled.

"On the contrary, I think you're too curious to not tag along." Lucifer moved closer to me, leaning in so our faces were inches apart as I glared at him. "Purgatory's a bitch, right?" His voice was dropped to a whisper. I looked away from him. With a hand on my chin, he directed my eyes back to him.

"I'm a lot stronger now than you think I am." I hissed.

"Then why haven't you tried to kill me yet?" He asked smugly. We stared into each others eyes for a while, the same look of anger, frustration and curiosity reflected in both of us.

In the end, I left with him and Beelz and climbed into the limo.

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