I'm Not Into Nazi's (Part 3)

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Ellie was bound and gagged, sitting next to the large man. I was bound and gagged, sitting next to Kris. The larger man's son. They were arguing.

"All you want to do is relive your stupid glory days!" Kris snapped.

"The worlds glory days!" The man shouted. I tried to speak, somthing along the lines of 'I think the world is just fine without stupid Nazi's', but it didn't come out that way. Ellie just tried to keep herself from crying. I could tell that it was going to be a long ride. The man tried to comfort Ellie in the creepiest way before looking at me. "And what is this you've brought?" He asked Kris.

"The Winchester's companion." He spoke.

"They've been keeping this... thing as... what? A pet?" The man asked. I cursed at him through my gagged mouth, my eyes turning jet black for a moment as I began struggling against my restraints before calming myself. My eyes flashed back to the normal green. The man looked almost impressed. "A Demon?" He asked. I jerked myself again, my grace flaring up. The man looked at me still. "An Angel?" He muttered. I fell back onto my seat.

"She's unlike the monsters on Earth." Kris was saying. "They will come for her. They did before." He said.

"Then let them come. It'll be easier to eliminate them that way."

It was dark by the time we got wherever we were heading to. They dragged Ellie out first, two men lifted her and took her away. I struggled, kicked, my power flared and men flew back at my rage. I ripped at my restraints, cursing and yelling through the gag over my mouth. About four men ended up dragging me from the car and throwing me to the ground at Kris' feet. His father patted him on the shoulder.

"Frith." He said, looking to another man and I pushed myself up to my knees. "My son and the Winchester's pet have had a long and trying day..." He trailed off. "Let them rest." He finished. I noted the change in Kris's face while I finally managed to spt the gag out of my mouth.

"Father?" He stepped forward. Frith stopped him. His dad began to walk away. "Father you don't have to do this!" He yelled before being pushed forward, a gun held to him.

Frith grabbed me by the shirt and lifted me up before pushing me after Kris.

"Rest? What does he mean? HEY!" I shouted after the man as Frith ushed Kris and I into a large field. I was pushed to the ground, face first in the dirt.

"Frith you don't have to do this." Kris was begging. I struggled behind the man, pulling painfully before I slipped one of my hands out of the restraints. Sweet freedom. I pushed myself up, holding my hand out. Frith froze, began choking. He struggled, looking back at me. I closed my hand into a fist and his head imploded. Blood splattered onto Kris and I. I breathed out. It was something I hadn't done since purgatory. Something I hated doing. Kris stepped away from me with a shocked look. I stared back at him.

"Don't just stare at me." I wiped my face clean. Kris didn't move. "I'm not going to kill you too, if that's what you think." I held up my hands in surrender. He realxed. "Wipe yourself off. We need to get out of here." I said, grabbing Frith's gun and sliding it into the pocket of my coat. Kris gulped and nodded, not taking his eyes off me as we made out escape.

It took me a little while but I managed to feel out where Sam and Dean were. We slipped into the cafe and Kris pushed Sam over, sitting next to him. I leaned on the seat next to Dean. The two jumped a bit and looked at us both.

"What the hell?" Dean shifted and looked me over.

"We need to hurry." Kris began.

"Why should we trust you?" Sam moved away from him.

"His dad told a man named Frith to kill him." I pulled the gun out and put it down on the table when the waitress wandered off into the kitchen. Dean took it and hid it.

"Did you..." He looked up at me.

"She... handled it." Kris said desicivley. Sam and Dean gave me a look. I shrugged, not returning their stares.

"Ellie's in trouble." I said. Sam and Dean looked at eachother, at me, At Kris, then finally, Dean nodded.

"Let's go." He said.

We pulled up to the Nazi party palace, hiding the car in the shadow of one of the buildings. Dean turned to look at Kris and I.

"Alright. You two stay here." He said as Sam got out of the car. I made a face.

"What? No!" I protested, earning a stern look from Dean. I glared back. Kris gulped, looking between us.

"You need to keep an eye on him." Dean said.

"He's not a threat to anyone." I snapped, glancing at him, then back at Dean. "Trust me on that." I muttered.

"Hey!" Kris gave me an offended look. I ignored him.

I also ignored Dean's orders to stay in the car. Kris and I had talked about something I didn't care about until it got to us talking about our fathers. And, when Kris leaned in and tried to kiss me, I handcuffed him to the car door.

"I told you, I'm not into Nazi's." I said as I slipped out of the car, closing the door on his protests. I used my key to open the trunk and looked around for something that could be useful in helping Sam and Dean, and helping myself. I could hear distant, German, laughing. I blinked and saw something amazing. I grabbed the grenade launcher and smiled. "Hell yeah." I set it on my shoulder and rushed off to where Sam and Dean were so obviously caught and in need of saving.

Sneaking around to the giant, open garage door was simple when you were a powerful, supernatural being who could kill Nazi's with a single wave of a hand. At first, I didn't register that these people were dying. Sam and Dean were in trouble, these people were in the way. It was that simple. I covered one man's mouth as he stared into my eyes with fear, begging me to let him go with a look. I pulled my gun and pressed the barrel to his forehead before pulling the trigger. I wiped my face again, I didn't even want to know how stained my clothes were at that point. The idea that I would make Sam take me shopping crossed my mind for a brief second as I picked the grenade launcher from off the ground. I peered into the large room that looked familiar and watched a man walk back and forth, laughing, smiling, chanting.

"Holy Hitler..." I muttered, then a smile graced my face. "I'm going to kill Hitler."

I set my finger on the trigger of the grenade launcher, not thinking until I saw Sam and Dean in my perhiperal vision. They wouldn't survive the blast.

"Son of a..." I dropped the launcher and let out a breath. Those two were tied up, guns to them. If I moved in any other direction without killing the men holding them hostage, they would die. My mind raced with planning, and, eventually, I had an idea. Although, using my powers had slowly grown a meaning that only resulted in the death of someone, and I wasn't too thrilled that I would be killing for the upteenth time that hunt. Most girls my age were probably getting stressed over final exams and who to go to prom with. I was a tad stressed about the two most important people in my life who were about to be killed by Nazi's if I didn't do something first.

So I did something. 

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