Fate, Destiny, and Plans

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I looked back to Kelly when the door upstairs open.

"I... You need to let me out!" I begged, but before she could move, I saw Castiel appear on the steps. We both froze. He was holding... the colt? Were Sam and Dean upstairs?

"Castiel?" Kelly and I both asked.

"Hello." He looked between us.

"Are Sam and Dean here?" I asked hopefully. He shook his head. "Then... the colt..." I gave him a suspicious look. He lifted the gun.

"I have a job to do." He said.

"Cas no!" I hit against the invisible wall. "Wait! Stop!" I shouted. Cas looekd to be, freezing in place. "Don't hurt her. Cas you know it's not right to hurt her. Please tell me you know it's not right, Cas?" I searched his gaze. He swallowed.

"I... I can't, even if I wanted to." He lowered the gun and walked over to me. "Sam and Dean are deeply worried about you." He said.

"I would think so." I chuckled. Castiel looked around and kicked the salt circle open and I launched myself into his arms.

"Let's get out of here." He said. I nodded.

"Where are we going to go?" I asked.

"... Heaven." Castiel said, helping Kelly up.

I followed reluctantly. He lead us safely out of the house and into his truck, where I helped Kelly get in and we drove off. We drove fast. We didn't even try and look back. After a few hours, Kelly had fallen into a deep sleep and I looked to Castiel.

"What will happen to Kelly when she gets sent to Heaven?" I asked softly.

"...No mortal has been able to get past those gates. Her physical body will deteriorate and her soul will ascend to Heaven with the soul of her child." He explained. It didn't sound that bad, honestly. But I looked forward.

"So she'll die? And the baby too?"

"It's my job, Nellwyn. I already failed once." He muttered.

"Screw your job. These are people." I snapped. "Innocent people, Castiel."

"You wouldn't understand." He stared a but angrily ahead. I felt that hit, that hard knock to my half grace that reminded me I wasn't an angel. Never would be.

"You're right. I don't understand." I sat back. "But neither do you." I muttered. Castiel glanced over at me. "People like Kelly. Those are the type of people who raised me. Kept me happy and safe and healthy." I didn't look at him. "You and all of heaven might think my mom was a bad angel but she was the best human. She raised me right. Kelly can raise that baby right, Castiel. I know it." I let out a long, heavy sigh. "Maybe monsters just need to be brought up like humans. Maybe then they won't think they're so bad. And then... then they won't want to be bad."

It wasn't long after that that the car broke down. We pulled into a motel and Castiel got out to check on the engine. He had no idea how to fix it, I could tell.

"Cas, why don't we head inside so Kelly can sleep on a real bed?" I asked. Kelly nodded in a pleading manner. Castiel looked between us and nodded.

"Okay... I'll try and fix this. You two can get a room." He said as Kelly got out the truck and walked slowly by him. I walked after he and Castiel grabbed my arm lightly to stop me. "Do not let her run away again. Please." He begged.

"I'm not planning on it, Cas." I promised and he let me go as I walked after her.

We got a room and sat on the bed. I got Kelly a glace of water and, as she was drinking, she flinched and put her free hand on her stomach.

"Are... you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah... yeah the baby just kicked." She smiled. I looked at her stomach and saw the slight movement. "Want to feel?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No.. no I'm okay-" She grabbed my hand.

"It's not a big deal Nellwyn, he does this every couple hours." She rolled her eyes. I rested my hand on her stomach and stared for a moment. Then I felt the small kick. When I looked up I was staring at my mother, a younger me mirrored in her eyes.

"I felt it." I said like I had said all those years ago when my sister was still in the womb. My mother smiled and I put both my hands on her stomach, feeling the little, weak and soft kicks.

"Amazing, isn't it?" She smiled.

"Hi Amelia..." I muttered softly. But then I was staring at Kelly again.

Kelly pulled back from me.

"He... chose you." she breathed. I made a face.

"Who did?" I asked. She looked down at her stomach and rubbed it gently. "What? You... you're baby did?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yes. I... I don't know why, but he choose you." She gasped. "That's why you came to me. That's why Dagon took you! It's... It's all part of the plan." She shifted on the bed.

"What plan? There is no plan, Kelly. We're all just making it up as we go along. Not even Lucifer know's what's going to happen." I stood.

"But he knows." She rubbed her stomach again. "He... showed me." She smiled up at me. "He showed me you. You saving him. Saving us." Tears welled in her eyes. "You... I don't know why but he chose you. You must have been sent here to protect us. It was... it was fate!" She pulled me into a tight hug.

"Kelly..." I muttered.

"Nellwyn please. He see's tat you can help us. He's been waiting for you." She muttered. I didn't know how to react to that. So I just hugged her back, in silence.

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now