Micky Micky

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What in the world was wrong with Mick? I had no idea. In my dream, I walked the halls of this twisted hunters-in-training version of Hogwarts. I followed closely behind a young boy who was called 'Micky' by one of his peers. The two boys were confronted by a mean looking woman with red hair that was much redder than my auburn locks. She led them into the office and I didn't go in. I placed my hand on the door but I wouldn't pass through. I was in Mick's head. Something was in there that he didn't want to think about. That was apparent, especially when he came out of the same room, covered in blood. That woman praised him. Mick couldn't have been more than ten.

I don't know why I had awoken from my slumber to find Mick rummaging around in our kitchen but I didn't ask many questions, using my weakened powers to hold him still. I took a deep breath.

"Let-let go, please. I'm not here to cause harm." He choked out. I sighed and let him loose, he turned to look at me. I was in a large t-shirt and baggy sweat-pants. My hair was a bed-headed mess and my eyes still had a glaze of unfocused sleep on them. "Nellwyn." Mick cleared his throat. "I thought you'd be with Sam and Dean." He kept his distance. I shrugged.

"Using my powers takes a lot out of me. I've been asleep..." I looked around. "What day is this?" I asked. Mick smirked a bit.

"So you sleep?" He asked.

"I do. Even more so after I have to strain myself during hunts." I tilted my head a bit after yawning. "Why are you here?" I asked.

"Second chances." He nodded in a friendly way. "Where do you keep the glasses? I brought scotch." He held up a bottle that was on the counter.

"Let me get them." I yawned again. "How'd you get in?" I asked.

"See, Nellwyn, the key to your bunker here, unlocks bunkers just like it all over the globe. Amazing, right?" He asked as I moved past him.

"I suppose." I muttered.

Mick was sitting at the table when I set down three glasses.

"None for you?" He asked as I plopped down across from him. I gave him a confused look.

"Dean says I can't drink until I'm 21." I said as if Mick should have known that very inside piece of information. He chuckled. "What?" I asked.

"Sleeping in. Following rules. Your general appearance..." He paused and smiled at me. "You know, I forget you're still a child. 18, right?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah." I shrugged. "I forget that too sometimes." I muttered.

"It's not easy... being young in this line of work." Mick stood. "Let me get you... soda?" He tried. I laughed. "Do teens not drink soda anymore?" He offered a playful smirk. I set my head on the table with stifled chuckles. Mick was laughing a bit himself. "Have I really gotten so old?" He pushed in amusement. It was strange, being with Mick and not being angry or fighting or wanting to put his head through a wall. He was just... a bit dorky, right now.

"A soda would be great." I smirked, looking at him through my messy tangles of hair.

So I sat across from Mick and we both drank soda.

"So why are you really here?" I asked.

"I'm afraid it's quite urgent." He sighed. "See, a few months ago, there was this... this blip. A big blip, you know? It's a-"

"Niph-thing, right?" I asked. He made a face.

"You know about it?" He asked.

"Lucifer's son..." I trailed off. Mick stood.

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now