Damn it, Dagon

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The bunker was quiet the next day. What I assumed was the next day, at least. I wandered out into the kitchen and saw Dean face down on the table. I looked around and walked over, gently pushing on his shoulder.

"Dean?" I said. Sam came in behind me and chuckled.

"Wow..." He muttered going to sit across from Dean as he woke up.

"Huh? What? Agh..." Dean rubbed his eyes. "That guy can drink." He said, referring to Mick, obviously. "I mean," he looked to Sam. "We're on the 'can drink' high bar, but that guy... whoo..." Dean huffed. Sam shook his head and I chuckled.

"Morning!" I cheery voice came from behind me and we all looked to see Mick open up the fridge.

"Hope you all slept well." He smiled.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked pointedly. Mick looked me in the eyes and I relayed the message that I knew, or at least that's what he gathered from my gaze. Dean glanced between us in this sudden silence with slight suspicion.

"Mick, are you okay?" Sam asked.

"Yes of course." Mick snapped out of it and we looked away from each other. "You boys have any vodka?" He asked, looking back in the fridge. Dean's head hit the table hard.

Today we were going to get Kelly. Thanks to Eileen. That deaf woman I healed all that time ago. She came and told us all about how she hunted down a demon after running some plates and found the city that Kelly and Dagon were staying in. Dagon... I felt like I needed to talk to Dagon. I was scared about that though, and wondered briefly about Lucifer and Beelzebub. We came up with a plan to trick Kelly into returning to the doctors office. We drove to the city. Sam made the call. It was all going smoothly.

We sat in the car waiting with Eileen, I watched Sam and I thought about Mick and that guy who was sent to... work with him. I'm sure that's what he was doing, obviously. Obviously not. I didn't like him. Mick seemed nervous when we saw him earlier with the stranger. I didn't know what to say about any of this, Dean remained oblivious to my inner turmoil while he watched Sam bring Kelly to the car. She was sat down next to me, she was very, very pregnant. She kept her head down in fear and anger as Dean drove off. I looked at her stomach, then at her. Her life force was fading fast. Well, faster than what I perceived as normal. I put my hand on hers and she looked at me. The moment I touch her I felt a pulse come from her child and my eyes turned on their own. I flinched and pulled away. Kelly bit her lip and put a hand on her stomach. The ride was silent.

It was late when we arrived to where Mick and that... whatever his name was, was waiting for us. Kelly stood against the car. Mick and his new pal were a little ways off, trying to negotiate wit Sam and Dean. And by Negotiate, I mean they wanted to kill Kelly. Kelly retracted in fear, I stood by her and stared the stranger down with black and white glowing eyes. It was going south really fast. Incredibly fast. That's when I felt it. She appeared like a thunder storm, commanding respect and invoking fear. Dagon. With a twitch of her hand Sam and Dean and Eileen and Mick and that strange, they went flying in each direction. I felt a push myself even, my back pressing against the impala for a brief moment. Dagon look at me. I looked at her.

"Don't come any closer." I stood in front of Kelly when Dagon moved forward. An amused glint came to her eyes.

"Lucifer's told me about you." She muttered when she was close enough. I slid the knife from my pocket and swiped at her, she grabbed my arm and twisted it roughly. I fell to my knees and heard a sickening crack that made me scream out in pain.

"Stop!" Kelly begged. Dagon released me. "She can help me. I don't know how but she can help me." She set a hand to her stomach.

Dagon grabbed Kelly's arm and I looked up as her free hand came down and grabbed a fist full of my hair, yanking me up in a painful manner. I let out a sound of pain. Dean and Sam scrambled up.

"Nellwyn!" They ran forward but a burst of power from Dagon sent them back again. She lead us across Mick's friend and I saw Eileen holding the colt, she aimed at Dagon and fired. But, before the bullet hit, we weren't there anymore. Dagon threw me onto the ground of what looked like a well furnished home. I coughed and felt my arm healing. I looked back at her as she led Kelly to sit down. I pushed myself away when she looked to me.

"Oh calm down." Dagon rolled her eyes. "You don't want this baby dead, do you?" She walkde towards me, towering above me. "How are you supposed to help?"

"I... don't know." I swallowed. "I... Lucifer... I had this... vision?" I pushed myself up to stand. "I... kept hearing this baby crying in my head... I keep seeing Lucifer and Beelzebub." I rubbed my head. "And when I touched Kelly earlier..." I glanced over to her.

"I felt it too." Kelly nodded. Dagon inspected me for a moment before shakign her head and looking at Kelly.

"We need to move. You ruined this area for us. We have to go." She looked back at me. "All of us." I flinched at that.

Kelly looked apologetically at me, then back to Dagon.

"I was just trying to make sure the baby was safe." She muttered.

"Well you can't. That baby is perfectly safe. That's the strongest baby this world has ever seen. You know those pains you were getting? Those were only you. Birthing something like this? It's fatal, Kelly." Dagon finished. I looked to Kelly and the shock on her face. She was going to die. The baby would love no matter what. Dagon walked off to go... pack, I assume.

"Kelly..." I moved towards her.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She said, tears falling down her face.

"It's not your fault." I assured her, sitting cross-legged on the couch next to her.

"But Dagon, and the baby-"

"Let me worry about those things..." I muttered, looking around. "I'll..." I turned to her and smiled, placing a cautious hand on her stomach and feeling that pulse of power flow through me again, turning my eyes black and white once more. "I'll be like... like a god mother. Okay? If you die, I'll make sure your baby doesn't... you know, destroy the planet." I blinked my eyes back to green and Kelly let out an amused chuckle.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Kelly pulled me towards her and hugged me tight. I tensed a bit and then relaxed.

"Don't worry about it." I muttered into her shoulder. 

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now