I'm a Professional (Part 1)

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Sam had gone to help Mary on a case, leaving Dean and I to work this hunt. The best way to say what happened, however, it to start by saying that Dean had no idea what had happened. I stepped out of the shower that morning, dried off, and got dressed, wrapping the towel tightly around my hair that had gotten too long. Dean didn't come back last night. He had gone out to get food and essentially left me here to starve. I hadn't called Sam yet, but I was fearing the worst. That is, until my cellphone began to ring. I walked over to see the unknown number light up the screen and raised an eyebrow before picking it up.


"Nell!" Dean sounded relieved. I sat down in a chair.

"Where have you been?"

"I don't know."

"Oh...okay... where are you now?"

"I... I uh... don't know- hey! Meet me at Wally's. I bet you could go for a waffle. I know I could." Dean laughed.

"Dean-" he hung up. I made a face and got up, it was going to be a long, long walk.

Meeting Dean at the Waffle Place was... something was very off. I could tell. He smiled at me as I tried to pull our of him what happened the night before.

"Must've blacked out." He shrugged it off and looked around.

"O...okay Dean." I muttered, adjusting myself in my seat. I couldn't place what was wrong. Something was wrong.

"Hey, let's go." Dean finished, wiping his mouth and standing up. I looked back as he walked away.

"Did... did you pay?" I called after him. He stopped, paused, then pulled money out from his wallet and dropped it on the table. Patting me on the back, we started out. That is until an awkward encounter with a pretty girl got Dean slapped. Hard. We were both so, so confused.

In the car I asked him to focus. He stared down at his keys and I grabbed them and started the engine.

"Are you sure you're Okay? I can call Sam." I said.

"No. No don't do that I'm fine." He waved.

"Why didn't you answer me? I called you a crap ton of times last night." I said, looking out the window. Dean dropped a broken phone in my lap and put the car in gear. I sighed and went to text Sam, Mary, and Castiel to get a hold of me if something was up. But then the car flew backwards and I let out a shout as we crashed into the newspaper bin behind us. A woman yelled. Dean apologized. I stared at him with a shocked expression. "R is for reverse dumb ass!" I snapped suddenly. He didn't respond. "Dean. Snap out of it." I waved a hand in his fave, he looked at me with a glossed over expression. "Dean? Come on, Dean?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Who's Dean?" He asked. I sucked in a breath. Yeah. Something was up.

"Switch. I'm driving." I said. He didn't protest, thankfully.

Back at the hotel he snatched my phone and we argued for a moment on whether or not to tell Cas or Mary or Sam. I agreed not to, but I knew, eventually, I would have to. Dean was forgetting simple, simple things. I walked about putting labels on things and he grumbled behind me as I went through my short contact list for someone to call. Rowena. When did I get her number? She was a witch. This all seemed like... witch stuff. Magic. Yeah. I called her.

"Rowena, really?" Dean groaned when he heard her voice on my phone. I shushed him and sat down. Rowena was cheerful.

"So glad to hear from you deary." She was saying. I felt like I was talking to someone's grandmother.

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now