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It was an all out stand. My only idea was that Mary and Kelly had spoken. Kelly would have wanted me to get Jack somewhere safe. I was the only one capable of doing so. I broke into the room where Kelly was and saw that she was dead. I covered my mouth.

"Kelly..." I put my hand on her's before closing her eyes and kissing the top of her head. "Where..." I looked around. There was no sign of a child. I moved cautiously through my old home, there were footprints burned in the ground going down the stairs. I walked down and into my old bedroom and saw someone staring at the wall I had painted. A boy who was covered by the shadows. He was so familiar. He looked back at me and I froze. His eyes glowed yellow as he stared at me ,at my soul.

"You're Nellwyn." He spoke quietly.

"Jack." I breathed.

He wasn't wearing clothes, obviously. But he was full grown. An adult, almost.

"My father?" He turned towards me. The door closed behind me and I pressed my back to it when he took a step towards me.

"Gone." I said.

"Should I be afraid of them?" He asked when Sam started yelling frantically for me. Afraid of Sam and Dean? I shook my head.

"No." I said, my heart pounding as he moved closer. We were inches apart now.

"Should I be afraid of you?" He asked.

"Of course not." I breathed quietly. He brought up a hand and touched my face, his eyes glowing yellow I felt that power pulse through me and wash over me. "We have to leave." I muttered softly.

"We..." Jack muttered, staring right into my soul. There was a loud knock on the door.

"Nellwyn!?" Sam's voice was frantic.

"Hey Kid!" Dean's voice was calling out to me now.

I couldn't tear myself away from Jack for some reason, even with Sam right on the other side of the door. I just had to answer them. My eyes locked with Jacks, I opened my mouth to say something to Sam but was suddenly shocked into silence by a mouth on mine. Jack was kissing me. I could see nothing but yellow and he flooded my senses.

I was standing in a sunny, grassy field. It was quiet and peaceful. Everything and everyone looked bright and happy. I saw Sam, sitting on a blanket with some girl who had pretty blonde hair, looking at him like he was her world. I saw Dean not that far away, throwing a ball into the mitt of a young boy with brown hair and a striking resemblance to Dean himself. Another woman came over with a basket and called to Dean, who led the boy over and kissed this woman lovingly. They were all sitting there happily. I noticed other families and assumed that we must have been at a park of some kind.

The scene changed to those same people, but now they were gathered around a table and being served by Mary, who was smiling and talking to a tough looking brown haired man at the head of the table. The scene changed once more and it was me, in my house, in a beautifully elegant dress, strapping on a pair of heels before standing before my parents with a large smile on my face. My sister clapped and laughed, making a sarcastic remark that made me roll my eyes. My dad looked on the verge of tears and my mother was fussing over me. I wasn't looking from outside anymore. I was in the dress. I was laughing.

"It's not that big of a deal, Dad." I was saying before the doorbell rang. "I got it." I said, my family watching as I opened the door. It was Jack. In a suit, holding flowers.

"This is what you want, isn't it?" He asked. Everything seemed frozen. "Happiness." He touched my face again. "I could do so much better than what's here." He said.


The illusion crumbled and I was back.

"Jack." I felt a sudden needy nature take over me and found myself gripping his arm.

"Nellwyn let us in!" Dean was shouting now.

"The door won't budge... Nell!" I could barely hear Sam. Jack kissed me once more and I kissed back, arms around his neck.

My first kiss was with Jack. My first kiss was with the son of Lucifer.

Life is funny that way.

The funniest part about all of this is...

I didn't open the door. 

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now