Team Spencer-Novak

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Mick got us a fancy 3 star hotel with our own rooms. I helped Sam with the bags, got to my room and immediately went for a swim. I hadn't swam in years. It was wonderful. It was apparent that Dean enjoyed himself, he was happy and well rested. Of course he wouldn't let Mick know that. Not ever. We went to talk to the family. Sam and Dean talked to the mom outside while Mick played Doctor. Mick told us Hayden wasn't bit. I was supicious. But... Apparently, Claire was on the case as well.

I hugged Claire when I saw her. She was glad to see me as well. I sat with Claire as she explained most of the case she had worked on. She was lectured, basically. Dean told Claire to get some real food in her. After Mick called it a night, Claire looked at me and smirked.

"How've you been?" She asked.

"Death and back." I joked lightly. She chuckled.

But the next day, the girl was dead. I stood by Claire and glanced at Mick. Claire and Sam and Dean talked it over. Mick was clearly lying. Clearly, clearly lying. Dean and Sam started arguing. Claire stopped them. Mick did it. No one knew that though. So I held back. I went with Claire and Sam. Dean went with Arthur.

"You wait here." Claire patted Sam after he tried to question her on how her life was going so far. "Nell, let's go." She smiled.

"Wait what?" Sam made a face.

"Who do you think the kids'll want to talk to?" Claire asked. Sam looked offended. I laughed a bit and climbed out the car with Claire.

We walked into the high school like we had been going their our whole lives.

"I hated High school." I muttered. Then I chuckled and nudged Claire. "Hey, I can say that now." I laughed.

"Shut it, nerd." Claire cracked a smile. "We need to find the... cool kids." She made a face.

"Cool kids like hooking up with older guy cool kids or all-star athlete nerd cool kids." I muttered.

"Probably both." Claire sighed as the bell rang. I scanned the halls and elbowed Claire. "What?" she muttered as we weaved through students.

"Girl's gathering at locker shrine." I said.

"Alright. Let's go." Claire adjusted herself and we walked over to say hi.

Leaving the high school with new knowledge felt great. And Claire and I got a good laugh when she commented on how Sam looked like a creep waiting outside the school.

"You know, you two are trouble when you're together." Sam said. Claire and I shrugged. "How'd it go?" Sam asked.

"Oh we got everything." Claire spoke first. The story was told in the most teenage girl manner ever, Claire and I trying to tell the same story, talking over one another, adding facts, correcting, laughing. Sam looked like his head was spinning when we were finished.

"Guess that explains it." Sam said.

"We did good." Claire smiled, rubbing the top of my head.

"Claire. We need to talk." Sam said. Claire and I exchanged glances and I walked off.

Claire stormed off.

"Claire..." Sam sighed. I looked at him and went after Claire.

I can't tell you what happened. Because it all happened so quickly. I heard a struggle. I slowed to a walk, heard a scream and started sprinting.

"Claire!" I yelled. "Claire!" She was one the ground. She grabbed her knife. "Claire it's me. Calm down." I looked at her shoulder and saw the bite, the blood. I looked around. "SAM!" I yelled. "SAM HELP!" I screamed.

Back at the hotel. Claire wasn't doing okay. Sam was looking for a cure. I sat with Claire, offering her a towel as she struggled to wipe her eyes on her sleeves. Dean was angry with Mick. So was Sam. Claire begged. Dean agreed.

"We need blood. Live blood. From the wolf who bit her." Dean and Sam were heading out, they stopped Mick.

"You stay with her."

"You trust him?" Sam asked.

"Mick's a smart guy. He knows that if anything happens-"

"I'll rip him to pieces." I cut in. Mick looked back at me. "Cause I'm the one monster your team doesn't know how to take down." I glared.

"I know." Mick swallowed.

"Smart." Dean repeated. Then they left.

I sat with Claire leaning on me. She got up and looked outside. Mick poured a drink.

"It burns..." She groaned, walking in circles. "Kill me. Kill me please." Claire asked Mick. Mick pointed the gun. Claire begged.

"Mick no. Claire." I grabbed her shoulders and lead her to sit.

"Here's what we'll do." Mick started listing off things. Restraints. Sleeping drugs. Claire wanted to call Jody. She looked at me.

"She's going to be so mad at me." tears welled in her eyes again.

I wiped Claire's eyes and opened my mouth to reassure her when the window broke open and a masked man came in. He was fast. I felt a swift blow to the face that knocked me out cold. My head spun. I heard Claire. I heard Mick. Then... nothing.

I woke up tied up and on a couch. Claire and... some guy. They were talking. Claire was snapping at him. I heard a fridge open. Something about eating. I forced myself to sit up. Claire was turning. But Sam and Dean burst in. I felt someone cut my ropes. It was Mick.

"Claire stop!" I yelled when she attacked Dean. I threw up a hand and she flew against a wall. I held her back from Sam and Dean and Mick. "Claire. Please." I held her tightly and they injected her with that cure thing.

Claire wasn't having a fun time after that. I stayed by her side while Sam and Mick and Dean watched from a little ways off.

"It's okay Claire." I muttered over and over. Over and over until she was still. Sam called Dean back in. Claire didn't move. But... Her body started returning to normal. She opened her eyes and looked up at me, then to the boys. She smirked.

"You guys look like crap." She breathed.

Claire was leaving. I stayed by her car as she packed up and we laughed about nothing at all and everything at once. We walked back over to Sam and Dean, Claire said her goodbye's. She made a phone call and I heard every word as she got in her car and waved at me. I waved back as she drove off down the road.

It was nice, seeing Claire. It was like I had a best friend again.

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now