Alpha and Omega

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We made our way outside. A vampire climbed the fence above us. I grabbed the one live vamp I saw on the ground and dragged him inside with us, holding him there with my powers while the men of letters and my family questioned him. What was an alpha? Apparently not good. We were all going to die. The vampire started laughing and with a twist of my hand his neck snapped like a twig. Everyone who wasn't Sam or Mary flinched at this as my eyes went back to normal.

"What's an Alpha?" I asked Sam. He gave me a look saying he'd explain later. The adults tried to come up with a plan.

"Who here has ever killed... anything?" Mary asked. I raised my hand, that strange guy did, Sam did. We laid all our things out on the table.

"Nellwyn gives us a slight advantage, how're you feeling?" Sam asked.

"Tired. But I can keep it up." I admitted. "How long do I need to hold them back?" I asked. Mary and Mick exchanged looks.

"Go get it." Mary said.

A special gun with no bullets in it. Mary had stolen it.

"Let's just... make bullets." Sam said, listing off ingredients for Mick.

"Nellwyn, we're going to the armory, you have our back?" Mary asked.

"Always." I said, following after them. We sprinted down the hall and when we opened the door, vampires flooded us. Sam punched one back. I let out a burst of power that threw them all back a bit. Sam and I rushed the doors and held them shut.

"Is there another way?" The other hunter asked. Mary nodded.

"Go. I got it." I told Sam, holding both the doors with all my strength. Sam nodded and ran after his mother and that guy. I swallowed, my eyes changing to their monstrous style. "Let's play..." I muttered, stepped back, ready.

Flashbacks to purgatory kept me going. I ripped and tore through vampires. Blood splattered my clothing as I ripped the head off the last one and took a long breath. I stepped over a massacred body and went off to where Mary and Sam and that other hunter had gone off to. They were both out cold.

"Sam? Mary?" I bent down beside them. I set a hand on them to heal up their head wounds and they woke up, groggy and confused. I bit my lip.

"We need to..." Mary breathed.

"Yeah." I agreed, helping them up.

I wondered what an Alpha was. He was big and intimidating and I moved easily. Mary took out the traitor. Sam and I stood against the vampire.

"That gun can't save all of you." the Alpha threatened. My eyes changed and there was a hint of shock in his eyes as he stared at me.

"Who says I'm here to save all of us?" Sam says. "Let us go. It'll go back to the way things were."

"And the brit?"

"You can have him."

"Sam!" Mary shot. We ignored her.

"If you don't take the deal... and that gun doesn't kill you. I'll just rip you up myself." I growled harshly.

That ended in a fight. Mick charged Sam. Mary charged Alpha. Mary was thrown. Sam tossed the gun. I felt that, and a bullet land in my hand and I ducked out of the way of the table as it tipped. The fighting stopped. I pointed the gun at the side of the Alpha's head. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes as my grace floated around the gun.

"Super charged." I smirked.

"That gun isn't loaded." He said.

"Wanna bet?" I asked. He looked me in the eyes, then back to Sam.

"Clever." He said as I pulled the trigger.

The bullet went in one ear and out the other. We won.

But so many people had died in the process. Not that I cared much. Sam lead me out the room. Mary stayed behind and brought Mick out later while we met up with Dean and that other guy. Arthur, I think. We all met up and talked what happened over. We talked it out. Dean accepted and forgave Mary for everything. Arthur brought out the rouge traitor and I glared. I subtly wished I got to kill him myself. I looked between Mary and Sam and Dean and decided to let them... hug it out, or whatever. Myself, being covered in blood, excluded myself from this activity. I wandered over to Mick. He looked down at me.

"Nellwyn." He said, more asking than greeting.

"You okay?" I asked, he looked distraught.

"I..." He sighed.

"Hey we got the kill. It's fine." I muttered.

"I... don't know what I'm..."

"Are you going to protect them?" I asked. Mick looked at me.

"We... we'll protect everyone." He said. I nodded.

"Okay." I said. I let out a sigh. "Alright." 

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now