Famous Friends (Part 2)

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I dreamed of lights, cheering, a stage, no band, just Lucifer. Just me and Lucifer. I had a microphone in my hand, why did I have a microphone? Where were Sam and Dean? Lucifer laughed, sudden;y the doors were closed. There was more cheering, no, not cheering, screaming, it was screaming now. I could barely hear Sam and Dean over the yelling. Where was Castiel? Where was Crowley? I felt Lucifer pat my shoulder and I saw him grin as he laughed a bit more.

"Just you and me, kid. What do you say?" He had let go of me and was holding out a hand. I didn't know what was happening, and, just as quickly as it had started, it was over.

I woke up to blinding lights and a teasing argument flowing from Dean to Sam, who was just caught listening to Vince's old music. I don't know how long we had been on the road, I had stopped keeping track of time. I yawned and looked out the window. We were in Los Angeles.

"We're stopping at a motel and changing, then we need to meet up with Cas." Dean started explaining as I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"What are we going to do once we find Lucifer?" I asked.

"...Shove him back into his hole." Sam said after a moment. I didn't like that idea very much, but I nodded anyway.

We pulled up to the motel, bought a room and went into it. I changed into more professional FBI type gear in the bathroom, taking a look at myself in the mirror for a moment. I hadn't done that in a while. I looked older, definitely. My auburn hair was longer than before, my eyes were a darker green color, my face looked stoic and tired. I could still see that same face from when I looked into a lake in purgatory. Littered with dried blood, dirt and scars. An evil and sadistic look in the eyes. I shivered, shaking that image out of my mind as I went out to join Sam and Dean. Castiel was there now, and he looked a bit frustrated.

"Lucifer is holding a secret concert somewhere in town." He said. I nodded.

"We know that." I said.

"He's using it to get more followers, to make himself more powerful." A voice from behind me added. I looked back to see Crowley there. "Hello, kitten." He said, patting my head as he moved past me. All I did was smirk at him.

"So my satanic church thing was right?" I asked.

"Almost." Crowley commented.

"Well he can't force a full room of people to kill themselves." Dean said.

"He got that girl to mutilate herself..." Sam muttered, unsure now.

"We can't base everyone on some crazy chick." Dean turned towards him.

Castiel cleared his throat and all eyes were on him again.

"We have interviewed a member of his band but..." He trailed off.

"But he won't tell us anything." Crowley growled.

"So you want us to talk to him?" Sam asked.

"No." Crowley stepped back to stand next to me. "We want her to talk to him." He looked over at me.

"I did not agree to this plan." Castiel swallowed. "But it does seem to be the... best option at hand." He muttered.

"What is it?" Dean, Sam and I asked at the same time.

The gist of the plan was that I was going to disguise myself as a huge fan of Vince Vincente. I was going to 'run into' the band member that Castiel and Crowley had talked to. I was going to flirt my way into getting a backstage pass out of him, as well as the location of the concert, which I would then tell Sam, Dean and Crowley, so they could set up a trap before hand. It was a solid plan, if it wasn't for one minor detail that Castiel and Crowley had both failed to notice. A detail I had noticed right away from the second we both said hello.

I recognized the soul in front of me, even as it was weaved into wardings that made it appear human. The boy gulped when I didn't say anything. I stuttered for a moment, staring hard at him for a moment.

"Beelzebub?" I asked in a breathy whisper.

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