I'm Not Into Nazi's (Part 4)

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I secured the grande launcher on my shoulder, aimed at the man who was laughing and talking, the man who had just sentenced my friends, my family, to death. Needless to say, everything about the situation was acceptable in my eyes, which is why I thrust myself so violently into said situation with guns, or rather, grenade launcher, blazing. I had run in front of Sam and Dean, it seemed like the obvious choose if I was going to get them away from the blast.

Everyone else was too shocked to really attempt to stop me. I dropped the grenade launcher to the ground and turned to the men who were behind Sam and Dean, lifting my hand and using my powerful force to throw them back until they made a hard and deadly impact with the far wall. I set my eyes on my friends.

"...Nellwyn?" Dean asked with slight fear, as if he thought I couldn't hear him.

"Are you okay?" I asked as the brothers got off their knees and too their feet. Sam cleared his throat, looking behind me. I turned and saw the fire that I had created and blinked before turning back to the boys.

"I'm sorry?" Was all I could muster. Dean looked at the lifeless bodies of those Nazi's that were behind me.

"Kid..." He muttered.

"What?" I made a face. Sam smiled, looking down at me while Dean's face twisted with something that looked like jealousy.

"You just blew up Hitler." Sam said.

After an awkwardgoodbye to Kris, who tried to kiss me and ended up with a fist to theface from Dean, we ended up dropping Ellie off at her house. She hugged each of us, thanking us for everything. It was a pleasant goodbye. I smiled the whole morning as we left town.

"I shot a grenade at Hitler!" I giggled. "I want shirts made... Keychains!" I leaned forward. Dean rolled his eyes, glancing back at me.

"When did you learn to do all that stuff anyway?" He asked, referring to my display of power control back during the fight. I leaned back and shrugged. The car fell silent, waiting. I didn't want to talk about purgatory, not at all. So I grinned.

"You learn a lot when you're killing one of the worst men on Earth, Dean." I stretched, ignoring Dean's eye roll and laughing along with Sam as we drive down the road. Although, I knew I would have to have a talk with Dean one day, but it was best to put it off for as long as I possibly could.

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