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Back at the museum, Gavin was astonished by everything. He began telling me about the ship, Crowley had said it had gone up in the storm. Sam asked Gavin the people who were getting on the ship. Gavin explained.

"A teacher?" I stopped him. He looked back at me.

"Aye. She taught most of the village kids." He smiled at the memory.

"Do you recognize anything in here?" Sam handed him a file and he looked through the photo's, chuckling, shaking his head. Smiling to himself. He told me briefly about a man who had no hand and let out a laugh before looking back at the book and freezing.

A locket. To be given to a girl named Fiona. Rowena praised him for having a girlfriend all that time ago. But, aside from that, we had somewhere to start. Something to track down and find.

"The love of my life..." Gavin muttered. "She wanted to come to America with me."

"Well if you didn't get on the ship than neither did she. Right?" Sam asked.

"I don't know." Gavin admitted. I made a confused face and he looked at all of us before starting a long, and fairly sad tale about the night he left his home and ended up somewhere in 2014, America. It was concluded that she had smuggled herself on board and died on the ship. Gavin was distraught. Rowena patted his back. I looked back as Sam and Dean looked around.

"It... uh... it's gone." I said, peering through the glass. Sam and Dean cursed under their breath simultaneously.

A school for girls. Sam and Dean wanted to infiltrate a school for girls. I, for one, hated the idea. Even the name of the place sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine. But we were in the school anyway. We saved a girl, we set up a seance. Gavin called out to Fiona. Nothing seemed to be working, at all. Well, until she came to him. Fiona was happy, ecstatic to see Gavin, she got upset, angry. Gavin tried to explain. Fiona had been abused. She was seeking revenge on the teachers. At least, that's what Gavin told us. We had to destroy the locket. No... we would have to... destroy Gavin. Send Gavin back to be with Fiona. Send him back to die. Rowena wasn't having it. Gavin was thinking the same thing, surprisingly.

That's when Crowley appeared. There was an argument. Crowley didn't want to lose his son. Rowena told Crowley to let him go. Crowley was clearly upset. Rowena was being the voice of reason. She stopped Crowley in his tracks. They left and we went back to the bunker.

"You're really brave." I said to Gavin, he glanced at me.

"So are you." He nodded as Sam cut his hand to complete the set up for the spell. He stood in the doorway.

"This... yeah..." Dean looked down.

"You're a good guy, Gavin." Sam nodded.

"Bye Gavin." I nodded.

"I never got your name." He said.

"Nellwyn." I smiled at him.

"What a lovely name." Gavin said as he reunited with Fiona and vanished.

That night, everything was as it should have always been. Mary came in and I elbowed Dean when he started over exaggerating. Mary presented us with burgers, beer and soda. Mary spilled it all. Sam and Dean were surprised. I wasn't, for obvious reasons. The boys struggled to understand, Dean was angry. Sam was confused. I kept a stoic face.

"Don't give me the face." Mary shot at Dean. Sam cut in to Dean and Mary's argument. Bottom line. We didn't trust them.

"Where does that leave us?" I asked.

"Family." Mary squeezed my shoulder. "Just hear me out, okay?" Mary asked.

We listened. We didn't like it. Somewhere in the conversation, I felt a pull in my soul. I felt a name.

I had to find someone named Dagon.

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now