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We got back from getting everything. I had bag after bag of baby supplies. Kelly laughed when I gathered everything at once and began walking towards the house. But then she made a noise of pain. I dropped everything and went back to her.

"Are... you okay?" I asked.

"I'm okay... It's fine." She muttered, letting me help her back in the house. We went into the room where the baby was to live. Jack. His name was going to be Jack. I painted it on the wall in large fun letters myself. I nodded at her and smiled as she sat down and then I went back out and started picking up the bags when I saw a strange yellow... thing. It was... glowing. I set the bags on the front porch and walked over to it, it was just in the front yard. I stared at it closely.

"What in the world..." I reached my hand out and touched it.

I wasn't in my yard anymore. I was in a gray and horrible place. I looked around.

"Where..." Something came towards me. It was a demon. A horrible thing, With horns similar to the ones my shadow would have when my demon energy would flare. It ran at me and punched me. I let out a terrified shout and rolled across the ground. I looked up and it came for me, but then it was shot. It was shot so, so many times in the back. When I looked up and saw the person who had done it, well, I was shocked, to say the least. It was a man I didn't know, and he let me go. Or, rather, I ran out of this world, back to that yellow line and back into my front yard. I took in a few breaths.

"Nellwyn?" Kelly's voice called. I gathered the bags and quickly went inside. She looked at me curiously. "Where were you? Are you okay?" She asked.

"I... was just grabbing the bags. Why?" I asked, swallowing my fear.

Kelly swallowed.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"No... the baby... it's time. I think." Kelly swallowed. She doubled over in pain. The lights in my home flickered and flashed. I brought her up to my parents old room and laid her down on the bed. She was breathing evenly now.

"You're alright." I smiled. "I... Don't know that much, but I know you're in for a horrible, horrible couple hours." I sat beside her and held her hand.

"I appreciate the honesty." She said as I walked over to the window, looking out at that weird, yellow, glowing portal. "Nellwyn." I looked back.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything, you really are wonderful." Kelly nodded. But she was in pain again. She squeezed my hand wen I gave it to her. "What did you see? Please. Tell me. What did he show you." She asked.

"I... I saw..." I thought hard. "I saw a place that was warm, and loving. There was on hate or fear or war or..." I took a breath. "I saw what he did. And it was good. It was so unbelievably good, Kelly." She smiled and relaxed at that, leaning back. But then I heard a noise.

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now